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I'm a Bad Godfather? by Lobby

reviews for I'm a Bad Godfather? by Lobby

Saturday 29th April 2006 16:38
I'm a Bad Godfather?
Wow, I can feel the tenseness in this scene. Harry looks almost guilty and Sirius' anger is really drawn well. I love Molly's expression.

Thursday 13th April 2006 09:59
I'm a Bad Godfather?
Wonderful! You captured their expressions all so perfectly! Sirius looks perfectly hot-headed and handsome; Harry looks thin and lost and completely unable to handle the situation; Tonks looks stunned and sad; Molly looks . . . well, belligerant would be the world. Wonderful!!!

Tuesday 4th April 2006 20:50
I'm a Bad Godfather?
Wow. So much emotion! I must say that Molly looks a bit like Mme DeFarge in this one.

Tuesday 4th April 2006 15:54
I'm a Bad Godfather?
I love Tonks in this picture! This is a gorgeous work by the way.

Monday 3rd April 2006 10:42
I'm a Bad Godfather?
Oh, this one is charged with emotion. I love the angry look on Molly's face and her 'you've-heard-my-point-of-view' body language as Sirius vents his frustration and tries to let Harry get the information he needs to understand the situation. Poor Harry, he looks like he'd rather be anywhere then at the table at the moment. Wonderfully drawn.

Monday 3rd April 2006 08:45
I'm a Bad Godfather?
Again, your rendition of Sirius amazes me. This is JUST how I imaigned him. Bravo!