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Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's by LeelaStarsky

reviews for Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's by LeelaStarsky

Friday 20th July 2007 08:08
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
As the hours tick by bringing us closer and closer to knowing how Deathly Hallows ends, I keep coming back to this picture hoping that there will be a scene at St. Mungo's similar to this one at the end of the book. Since this picture was first posted I've come back to it numerous times; it is the personification of the love Dumbledore always believed Harry to possess.

Wednesday 13th September 2006 19:14
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's

You're an amazing artist.

Thursday 24th August 2006 14:47
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Ok, I have to read that story then. I almost started crying just looking at Harry's face! This is how I picture them when I'm reading the books! Harry's so handsome!

Monday 10th July 2006 19:36
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Wow, this is amazing. I can't say enough about it. It's beautiful, so real.

Wednesday 5th July 2006 15:53
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
I've been looking at a few of your drawings, mainly on Deviantart, (I'm yellowphoenix) and I love how you make your drawings so real - not as in realistic (allthough they are, very much so), but believable. They don't look fantastically overly sexy in an americanised way, but they have a beauty that is natural and pure, one of the many things the idea of HP is based on, I believe..

I love the tenderness in this image. Ginny very much reminds me of her mother.


Sarah x

Tuesday 4th July 2006 02:21
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
wow! absolutely great!!!!

Sunday 2nd July 2006 17:07
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
This is beautiful. Ginny is lovely and the feel of the picture is just very nice and warm. Very well done and my kudos to you.

Wednesday 28th June 2006 20:39
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
this is a great piece that you did

Wednesday 28th June 2006 13:10
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
wow this is amazing!!! i love the detailing on harry's chin and the mournful expression on their faces. brilliant job!

Wednesday 28th June 2006 08:26
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Wow! Very nice. Hary is perfect. You've captured a very touching and emotional moment rather well (and I haven't even read the story!). Thanks for sharing!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 23:41
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
I could hardly catch my breath when I saw your work...absolutly stunning. I can not even beggin to explain the awsomness of this art! Wow, so much emotion, and its so realistic...not just the picture, but the mood and the emotion. All I can say is ...deh best..EVER.

Tuesday 27th June 2006 23:06
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
This is absolutely stunning and I haven't even looked at the uncropped version. You've illustrated one of my favorite stories with sensitivity and real talent. I love the look of pure concern and love on Ginny's face and how graceful her hands are. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Tuesday 27th June 2006 19:51
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Very pretty, nicely shadowed. Love his five o'clock shadow. Wish I knew the backstory to it!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 18:57
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Woah! I'm speachless. (Insert VERY long pause here) My mouth actually dropped open when this picture came up. Absolutely, perfectly brilliant. What else can I say?

This may be the single most beautiful piece of FF art I've ever seen.

I'm now off to check out your website.

Tuesday 27th June 2006 18:37
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Lovely piece,

I've admired your work for a while now, and am glad to be able to get the chance to thank you. You have a wonderful ability to capture emotion. Your studies are stories in themselves.
Thanks again. Please post more to this site. But in the meantime, I'll check out yours. I love the name!!

Thanks again,

Tuesday 27th June 2006 16:31
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's

Tuesday 27th June 2006 15:17
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
This is a really nice pic. You did a great job!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 13:24
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Wasn't this comissioned for Aibhinn's "Heal the Pain"?? I've always loved this piece ... so beautiful, such detail, such emotion ... and it fits the story so perfectly. Brill!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 08:54
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Oh, my. That's beautiful. I can just imagine the scene. Poor Harry. But Ginny's doing a wonderful job of comforting him...

I love the hint of stubble on Harry's cheek and the faint freckles on Ginny's. They're both just so well done!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 08:43
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
i kinda like this pic cos it shows the stress on harry's face and the look of stongwill in ginny's eyes! way to go!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 06:42
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
This has to be one of the most beautiful and touching pieces of art that I have seen. Poor Harry could use a good hug and Ginny is perfect for the job.

The detail is amazing. Harry has stubble! I love the way you gave Ginny a few freckles without them taking over. Some artists try to cover her with them and the only mention in the books I can remember is a few on her face.

I'm no art expert, but I know something good when I see it. This is better, it's great. Well done!

Tuesday 27th June 2006 06:35
Harry and Ginny in St. Mungo's
Amazingly beautiful, as all your pics. One can FEEL their pain, it comes through so much... bravo. Oh, and I've got to congratulate you on Harry's stubble. So subtle, but it's there! Whew, must have been hard to draw...