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Valentines by laverinth

reviews for Valentines by laverinth

Tuesday 13th February 2007 07:30
awww! *does a little dance* that is sooo cute! heehee, Tonks just needs to keep her tongue in her mouth... you rock!!

Sunday 29th October 2006 10:18
hehe tonk's tongue is funny

Thursday 26th October 2006 00:40
Ooh! Vixen!

Hehe, Tonks is awesome. Love the hair.

Tuesday 24th October 2006 14:37
AWWW! Okay, I'm feeling a's like's wierd. This picture reminds me of...have you ever read "Twilight?" If not, (I'm waaay to tired to explain it) you should look it up on Google or AskJeeves or something- it's amazing. But this picture reminds me of Alice and Emmett or someone...someone that she's with..

This picture is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 24th October 2006 02:51
Again, a very cute Remus/Tonks art. You're my favourite Remus/Tonks artist, that's for sure. Then again, I don't think I've ever seen an artist who's done as many Remus/Tonks pics as you have

Monday 23rd October 2006 13:25
HA! Is that her tongue?! That's hilarious!