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Happy Birthday, Harry! by Cambryn

reviews for Happy Birthday, Harry! by Cambryn

Wednesday 14th March 2007 00:08
Happy Birthday, Harry!
Loved this one. All light and dark at once, with Harry enjoying a light-hearted moment with friends - and doing so in obviously dark times - yeah, Privet Drive, right? You've used a 'grotesque' form in your modelling of the faces and figures but filled them with humanity - specifically the three human characters we know and love so well. Congrats.

Monday 12th March 2007 23:42
Happy Birthday, Harry!
Oh God. I love the colors and the shading but all I can think of while looking at Harry is how much he reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite and how much I HATED that movie. I do rather like Ron, though. He's always described as tall and yet I rarely see people draw him the way I imagine him.

Wednesday 21st February 2007 04:08
Happy Birthday, Harry!
So sweet and sad at the same time ... aww! *huggles* for harry!

Tuesday 20th February 2007 10:47
Happy Birthday, Harry!

Harry: a measly cupcake?? i'm saving the world *chuckles*

twins: well, for a good old boy like you, you need some fattening up *laugh*

*cupcake explodes in harry's face*

sorry i just had a huge vision of that happening. PLOT BUNNY! lol

Tuesday 13th February 2007 07:22
Happy Birthday, Harry!
oh wow... even tho the times are ruff, and not the much fun- Ron and Hermz still give Harry a little something for his birthday... its just so beautiful... u SO rock man... Rock on...

Monday 12th February 2007 19:01
Happy Birthday, Harry!
i really like this one. the cupcake is making me hungry.

Sunday 11th February 2007 19:50
Happy Birthday, Harry!
Summer after 6th year?
I love how Hary's hair is all messy!
In the books they ALWAYA emphasize how is hair is always all over the place yet no one seems to draw it that way...

Saturday 10th February 2007 18:03
Happy Birthday, Harry!
aw bittersweet and still sooooo cute!!!

Saturday 10th February 2007 08:09
Happy Birthday, Harry!
Oh, this is so sweetly sad. I'm assuming this is Ron and Hermione celebrating Harry's birthday while they're on their hunt for the Horcruxes. I love the look and Harry's face--you can tell he truly appreciates his friends' gesture, and their company. I love Ron's face too. He looks anxious for his friend but he is trying to keep some semblance of normalcy for him. Very nicely done all around.

Saturday 10th February 2007 07:56
Happy Birthday, Harry!
it is pretty nice.....harrys face is kinda wierd but other than that its noce

Friday 9th February 2007 23:25
Happy Birthday, Harry!
This is really touching. You've got everyone's body language just right; I often picture Ron in a slouched-over position like you have him here. As for Harry, that cupcake looks as if it's the most important thing in his life at the moment. Nice work!

Friday 9th February 2007 18:51
Happy Birthday, Harry!
Very cute moment. I love your stuff.

Friday 9th February 2007 14:54
Happy Birthday, Harry!
I like this; I like how Ron and Hermione are there when Harry usually has no one to spend his birthday with.