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Hermione Mosaic by leelakin

reviews for Hermione Mosaic by leelakin

Tuesday 14th August 2007 08:14
Hermione Mosaic

Tuesday 14th August 2007 07:25
Hermione Mosaic
i love this one! i love crookshanks and the background the most

Saturday 4th August 2007 03:22
Hermione Mosaic
love it! so creative and cool

Thursday 2nd August 2007 06:31
Hermione Mosaic
I LOVE this! I adore how you've drawn Hermione, her hair and face looks great, and the items around the edge make it really interesting Nice idea!

Wednesday 1st August 2007 22:11
Hermione Mosaic
Very nice piece. I like Hermione's expression, and Crookshanks' obvious attitude.

Here's a challenge for you. I think somebody should do a Potter-theme parody of the Beatles' "Abbey Road" cover. There are several different lineups that would be hillarious.

1) Dumbledore, Snape, Harry, Hagrid
2) Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron
3) Bill, Charlie, Fred, George

Know of anybody interested in giving this a whirl?

Wednesday 1st August 2007 00:36
Hermione Mosaic
This is really quite nice. I like the mix of all things Hermione and the expression on her face.

Monday 30th July 2007 16:01
Hermione Mosaic
Sorta OK. When i see the word mosaic i expect a bunch of little tile peices in a picture. thats all.

the picture was good. just not what i expected.