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Dumbledore and Fawkes by Linnpuzzle

reviews for Dumbledore and Fawkes by Linnpuzzle

Thursday 7th February 2008 04:34
Dumbledore and Fawkes
What a beautiful portrait of Dumbledore and Fawkes. Thank you for sharing your tallent. p

Monday 4th February 2008 20:57
Dumbledore and Fawkes
Very nice. Makes me wish I had an ounce of artistic talent.

Monday 4th February 2008 19:40
Dumbledore and Fawkes
This is how I imagined Dumbledore when reading the books... I LOVE it!

Monday 26th June 2006 10:30
Dumbledore and Fawkes
Ooh. Slightly creepy, but still very Dumbledoresque. Love those golden bubbles in the background. They really set a fitting atmosphere.

Everything in here is so well done; his eyes, his hair, the glasses, Fawkes...

Tuesday 6th December 2005 16:39
Dumbledore and Fawkes
Wouah !That's the most beautiful  draeing that I've ever saw !!!

Thursday 14th October 2004 12:35
Dumbledore and Fawkes
Fantastic! Very lifelike. Please do many many more...

Wednesday 29th September 2004 17:06
Dumbledore and Fawkes

As someone who is utterly incapable of drawing I feel it would be entirely wrong to criticise anyone else's works of art.  What I can do however, is praise things to the hilt, and I can honestly say this is very very good.  Your depiction of Dumbledore is a little different than most - he has an extremely severe expression, far removed from the twinkely-eyed, aloof headmaster that we often see.  Maybe this is Dumbledore at the end of OotP?  But it is your interpretation of Fawkes that astounds me; he really is like a living, breathing, almost swan-like, entity of flame and I love it.  Fantastic. 

Monday 27th September 2004 10:31
Dumbledore and Fawkes

<I'd love to make an icon out of it--would you mind terribly? >

Not at all!  It would be lovely if you credited me when you use the art, but other than that, go right ahead.

Monday 27th September 2004 04:22
Dumbledore and Fawkes

I really, really like this.  Dumbledore's expression captures him so well, and I really like your vision of Fawkes.  Best of all, the colors are perfect.

Fantastic job!

Sunday 26th September 2004 22:06
Dumbledore and Fawkes
This is a beautiful portrait of the headmaster and Fawkes. I especially love the way Fawkes is so noble, and Albus so wise looking. Excellent job!

Sunday 26th September 2004 18:06
Dumbledore and Fawkes
gosh, what a beautiful drawing.  I like the way Dumbledore is looking out of the corner of his eyes.

Sunday 26th September 2004 15:06
Dumbledore and Fawkes

I saw this on LJ--this is the most wonderful, gorgeous picture. It's beautiful, Dumbledore is perfect (without being modeled after an actor) and Fawkes really shines. I love what you did with his eye, too. I'd love to make an icon out of it--would you mind terribly?