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Snape and Narcissa by Capramagus

reviews for Snape and Narcissa by Capramagus

Sunday 31st July 2005 12:00
Snape and Narcissa
Wow.... brilliant. She doesn't look remotely pretty there, just... despserate. You broadcasted that very well. :) Ol' Snapey just looks so indifferent, I don't know how he does it, or how you do it, or whatever.... lol. But anyway, sweet. His face is hauntingly pale, sinister. Such a lovely contrast. Everybody who's drawn this scene as of yet seems to have been able to depict that contrast so well. :D ;)

Saturday 30th July 2005 16:25
Snape and Narcissa
Quite good, I must say... Still, I think Narcissa looks a little bit too... good, so to speak. the blond hair combined with the full skin seems to make her look a lot more than her real, pale, sallow-skinned self. And Snape...pretty good, but he does sort of have a feminine quality to him. :P Of course, that's probably just me being critical... I tend to do that.

Either way, nice job!
Saturday 30th July 2005 16:25Author Response
Yeah, I seem to have a problem with making my subjects too good-looking; I'm not good at drawing ugly people. I'm going to say that we only think of these people as ugly because they're described by someone who hates them, so we get their prejudices rather than the truth.

Saturday 30th July 2005 07:53
Snape and Narcissa
Narcissa looks like a beast...shes all big and stuff. Thats ok though...because I said.