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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

The Pharaoh
Wednesday 15th October 2014 19:28
Vis Insita
I agree with you on the present- vs. past-tense issue. Yes, I think the idea is that using present-tense makes it more immersive or something, like saying, "It's happening around you right now. See it?" I don't like it, but it gets easier to ignore as I go on if a story is sufficiently long enough. As for one-shots, I like them well enough. They don't seem abortive to me, as long as there's a conclusion (which there usually is). It's a moment in time or—for the longer ones—a quick adventure, like a bonus episode or something. I've seen one-shots as long as 15,000+ words. That said, I much prefer long-form narrative (as long as it's completed or updates fairly regularly).

I can appreciate how difficult it must have been to contrive a thought process to lead the group into the dumpster Room without Harry having hidden his book there. (At least, I don't think he hid it in this version. I'm not sure.) At any rate, I like how everyone getting distracted by stuff subtly builds up to Scott and Harry noticing Scott being affected by the diadem. I guess you added the compulsion to give them a way to find it, again assuming Harry didn't hide his book there and see it.

Glad to have more to read. Keep up the great work!
Sunday 19th October 2014 21:19Vis Insita (Author Response)
"I agree with you on the present- vs. past-tense issue. Yes, I think the idea is that using present-tense makes it more immersive or something, like saying, "It's happening around you right now. See it?" I don't like it, but it gets easier to ignore as I go on if a story is sufficiently long enough."

It was on my mind since I've been reading a lot of Community fanfiction recently, and present tense seems to be the de facto style for that fandom. Sometimes I wonder if all those Livejournal-types are imitating anyone in particular.

As for one-shots, I like them well enough. They don't seem abortive to me, as long as there's a conclusion (which there usually is). It's a moment in time or—for the longer ones—a quick adventure, like a bonus episode or something. I've seen one-shots as long as 15,000+ words. That said, I much prefer long-form narrative (as long as it's completed or updates fairly regularly).

Depends. It's frustrating to see a great idea wasted on 1500 words, and equally annoying to see a 1500 word idea stretched out to 100 chapters of angst.

I can appreciate how difficult it must have been to contrive a thought process to lead the group into the dumpster Room without Harry having hidden his book there. (At least, I don't think he hid it in this version. I'm not sure.)

He did not. In fact, he never found out it was Snape's book at all. If you'll recall a moment earlier in this story, when he was sorting through his trunk with Ginny, he came across the Half-Blood Prince's book.

At any rate, I like how everyone getting distracted by stuff subtly builds up to Scott and Harry noticing Scott being affected by the diadem. I guess you added the compulsion to give them a way to find it, again assuming Harry didn't hide his book there and see it.

The compulsion was something that I didn't really want to consider 'added', in the sense it was a non-canon aberration. Rather, I wanted it to seem like it was something the book diadem would have done had it been given the chance. The diadem was killed by the fiendfyre: we never saw it defend itself. So whatever it does is a mystery, and therefore left up to me. An organized search would have found it, eventually, and I figured with seven people digging around the Room, the diadem would 'wake up', so to speak, and realize it was being hunted.

So they would have found it, compulsion or no. The compulsion really just sped things along, but the diadem was trying to hide itself as it came out of hibernation.

Wednesday 15th October 2014 04:08
Vis Insita
Applause for long (well written) fan fiction.
Sunday 19th October 2014 21:10Vis Insita (Author Response)
It's more a rarity that we would wish.
Tuesday 14th October 2014 20:15
Vis Insita

As usual, this is excellent!

I enjoy novel-length fanfictions. They're more satisfying than the one-shots, in general. With this story in particular, the longer the chapters are, the happier I get. When I see that I'm nearing the end of the page, I get this sad feeling in my gut because I don't want the chapter to end. I'm not very good with suspense, you see. I'm usually the type of person to read an entire book in one night because I can't handle not knowing what's going to happen. Either that, or I go look up the plot summary online. I can't really do that for this story though, since it's a work in progress!
Anyways, sorry about the rambling, I'm using this story and this review to procrastinate. Speaking of, I should go.

Well, have a great day, and I wish you many good ideas!
Hoping to see more,

Sunday 19th October 2014 21:09Vis Insita (Author Response)
"I'm not very good with suspense, you see. I'm usually the type of person to read an entire book in one night because I can't handle not knowing what's going to happen."

Yeah, I've done that a time or two.

"I can't really do that for this story though, since it's a work in progress!"

That's true. I don't even have a full summary for myself.

"Anyways, sorry about the rambling, I'm using this story and this review to procrastinate."

Ah, say no more.