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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

The Pharaoh
Saturday 22nd November 2014 06:50
Vis Insita
That was a trip. The first time I thought at first that Harry was just disoriented and would soon realize he wasn't still 10, and the second time I briefly thought maybe the first time and the bit between had all been a dream, but no. It's actually happening. That was quite an abrupt shift. Still, I really like the concept and, though I would prefer if things went back to normal pretty soon, I like the sci-fi aspect of exploring this concept a little bit. If no one else remembers the past-that-no-longer-happened, this will be too much like the myriad "back in time to fix things" fics that I've read enough of to not find them as enjoyable anymore. Now, I understand it's not back in time; Scott made that distinction clear, and I'm glad he did. At this point, it's different enough that I want to see where this goes or, at least, what led up to and caused it.

Harry and Scott playing and horsing around was adorable. I like how in this situation Scott's basically acting the same as usual but he's with someone who is young enough to actually go along with it, haha. I also thought it was cute how in this fabricated reality Harry knows Scott inside-out and has a whole lifetime of mediating between Scott and the rest of the world.
Sunday 23rd November 2014 16:02Vis Insita (Author Response)
That was a trip. The first time I thought at first that Harry was just disoriented and would soon realize he wasn't still 10, and the second time I briefly thought maybe the first time and the bit between had all been a dream, but no. It's actually happening.

Is it? What is actuality, how real does something have to be to us before we accept it as 'real' in a sense of totality?

That was quite an abrupt shift.


If no one else remembers the past-that-no-longer-happened, this will be too much like the myriad "back in time to fix things" fics that I've read enough of to not find them as enjoyable anymore. Now, I understand it's not back in time; Scott made that distinction clear, and I'm glad he did. At this point, it's different enough that I want to see where this goes or, at least, what led up to and caused it.

I don't know if I'll have explored the concept to the point of your satisfaction, but there are answers coming. We'll have to see if they are to your liking - or Harry's, for that matter.

Harry and Scott playing and horsing around was adorable.

I'm glad you enjoyed that. It was something different to write, and I liked exploring the two of them in a younger paradigm.

I like how in this situation Scott's basically acting the same as usual but he's with someone who is young enough to actually go along with it, haha

I don't think Scott is ever that childish, especially as an adult. Maybe in an ironic capacity, but 11 year old Scott is not into irony. Not yet.

I also thought it was cute how in this fabricated reality Harry knows Scott inside-out and has a whole lifetime of mediating between Scott and the rest of the world.

I wanted to provide a glimpse to the reader of what Scott might have been like at that age, sans his adult memories and training. The first time around, so to speak. The answer is, unsurprisingly, that he is difficult. Attention deficit, violent mood swings, too clever for his own good; all traits we see hints of in his adult self, but ameliorated by age and experience (and maybe medication, who knows). The chapter wasn't about Scott, really, or his early personality and problems, but it was a good opportunity to show more of a character whom my readers have sometimes described as enigmatic.
Tuesday 4th November 2014 07:10
Vis Insita
Ok, so I am a bad fan fiction reader. I lurk around and read, but never leave reviews. Registering is a hassle, and fan fiction is just for downtime when I am too tired to read something serious. So darn you for going and making me register.

I think I started reading your stuff a couple years ago...I was still reading a lot of other wip's, and yours only really stood out as "that one with the oc who swears a lot." Over time, either those other wip's have petered out, or gotten a bit too goofy for me, but I still check every couple days to see if there's a new installment from you. I like what you do with the characters, I like your unique twist on the world, I like the Kharadjei (sp?) world that we get to glimpse, I like Scott and his struggle with the weirdness of the wizarding world. The moment when Harry used him to locate the tiara horcrux, and his pissed-off reaction to it, were sheer brilliance.

But this chapter...good grief. This was magnificent. I found myself unable to remember what had just happened, feeling some semblance of the disorientation you were depicting for Harry and Scott. This chapter made me sit up and pay attention...and now I will be checking (for all that I know it is futile) several times a day for updates, just to see what in the world is going on. I will now be re-reading the whole thing again to see if there are clues about why the universe would re-set like that. The whole thing now is reminding me of Nightmares of Futures Past, another excellent wip that seems to be abandoned...but in a far more interesting way.

I could go in, but I think you get the gist. *Gugg makes obeisance to Caleb for his fan fiction prowess, and begs for more, etc, etc*

In short, thanks. That was awesome.
Tuesday 18th November 2014 13:24Vis Insita (Author Response)
Ok, so I am a bad fan fiction reader. I lurk around and read, but never leave reviews. Registering is a hassle, and fan fiction is just for downtime when I am too tired to read something serious. So darn you for going and making me register.

Yes, I am darned.

I like what you do with the characters, I like your unique twist on the world, I like the Kharadjei (sp?) world that we get to glimpse, I like Scott and his struggle with the weirdness of the wizarding world. The moment when Harry used him to locate the tiara horcrux, and his pissed-off reaction to it, were sheer brilliance.

He was not happy. I'm glad you liked that part.

But this chapter...good grief. This was magnificent. I found myself unable to remember what had just happened, feeling some semblance of the disorientation you were depicting for Harry and Scott.

Cool, that's what I was going for.

The whole thing now is reminding me of Nightmares of Futures Past, another excellent wip that seems to be abandoned...but in a far more interesting way.

That was actually the story that inspired me to start writing That Terrifying Momentum. Prior to that, I had been sort of procrastinating after finishing my last fic, not sure what I wanted to do.

In short, thanks. That was awesome.

Well, your review was awesome, too, so we're even.
Monday 3rd November 2014 13:57
Vis Insita
I suspect you were on something stronger than gillyweed when you wrote this chapter. Not a good review, but one for the pot.
Tuesday 18th November 2014 13:18Vis Insita (Author Response)
I'm not high on anything but life, Dad, you raised me better than that.
Monday 3rd November 2014 02:35
Vis Insita
Wow that is a big change. I had to check the previous chapter at first to make sure I hadn't missed a chapter. I do have to say this is pretty ballsy going back to 1st year 23 chapters into a sequel, if you keep it here that is. if you're looking for another site to post to the only other site I regularly read nowadays is SIYE, so that may be an option for you. I've been reading since TTM I love getting the emails for new chapters.
Tuesday 18th November 2014 13:17Vis Insita (Author Response)
I don't know about SIYE. I used to be posted there, once upon a time, but they removed the story because they felt it wasn't Harry/Ginny centric enough. That was before this sequel, of course, which is much more H/G focused. I don't know, maybe I'll try them again some day.