It was a sound Harry recognized, though he had heard it only once before in his life… phoenix song… It was the sound of hope to Harry… the most beautiful and welcome thing he had ever heard in his life… he felt as if the song was inside him instead of just around him… ~Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, page 376, UK edition PhoenixSong began in 2003, and has continued since then as a source of quality Harry Potter fanfiction and devotion to our favourite canon couples. The site was born out of friendships built upon a mutual love of reading, writing, and Harry Potter, and those friendships have continued to grow as exponentially as the site has done. When we began, we never would have imagined that we would eventually have over 100,000(!!) members Toward the end of 2019, our 'tech wizard' led us to realize that we must resort to putting the site into 'read only' mode. This won't change much, overall, except that we will not be having new members or new reviews, but our content will remain here for all of us to continue to enjoy and appreciate. At some point in the future, we plan to have PhoenixSong archived on AO3, as well as here, mostly so that we can again interact with each other via reviews, but the timing for that is dependent on their volunteers' capacities. It won’t change anything here; it'll just be an additional resource for us to share. In recent years, our whole admin team has been heartsick over what JKR’s recent actions have inflicted on some of the most vulnerable among us. We cannot and do not condone JKR’s behavior, and we fully understand why many people have walked away from HP. Like some other people have said, however, the fandom and our interactions as fans weren’t something she created; it was something unique and special to each of us. Harry — the whole series as well as the character himself — stands up for the marginalized. ALWAYS. The fact that JKR doesn’t do the same doesn’t change the fact that Harry does, and how people connected with that aspect of him/the books. Please know that every member of the Admin Team fully supports and affirms all our trans, genderqueer, non-binary and other LGBTQ+ loved ones in every way. We have been richly blessed by the people who have made up the heart and soul of PhoenixSong since its inception, and we will be forever grateful and proud of what all of us have built here together. Thank you, always, for creating this little corner of the world of Harry Potter with us. ~The Founders and Administrative team of PhoenixSong.net |