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Sirius Black by Astria

reviews for Sirius Black by Astria

Thursday 24th August 2006 07:04
Sirius Black
I guess I like them scruffy because Sirius is rather handsome! I like the hair!

Sunday 4th December 2005 09:16
Sirius Black
Yaaaaaaaaaaah! Sexy Sirius...

Monday 23rd May 2005 21:53
Sirius Black
Now THIS is how I imagined him,  Scary  but oh so Yummy too.

Monday 11th April 2005 16:01
Sirius Black

Grrrr. I've always pictured Sirius to be more like Hugh Jackman and I must say, your version...



Monday 11th April 2005 11:20
Sirius Black
OOOh I love your Sirius. He has that brooding, haunted, yet still attractively handsome look!

Saturday 22nd January 2005 07:22
Sirius Black
Very good rep of Sirius.

Monday 17th January 2005 20:23
Sirius Black
let me rephrase my last sentence, he doesnt have a haunting look like how you might have took it, the picture is GREAT!  I love it, and it gives a Ruffened look (I'm not sure that I spelled that right..) but he still looks sexy like he is described... does that clear things up?  Sorry..

Monday 17th January 2005 20:21
Sirius Black
oh wow!  I really like this one... I can still see the handsome man he is descibed as, yet he has a gaunt look about him, a haunting appearance...

Wednesday 14th July 2004 18:39
Sirius Black
Gah! Beautiful! He has this dark, sexy look. Brilliant!!

Sunday 20th June 2004 14:05
Sirius Black
This is amazing! Very close to how I pictured him.