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Golden Brown - Narcissa by Nachan

reviews for Golden Brown - Narcissa by Nachan

Friday 4th April 2008 13:52
Golden Brown - Narcissa
A very interesting picture that hints at much but reveals very little. In style I would dub it very art deco in flavour though perhaps it doesn't really follow all the rules for that style of image. The expression on the face seems to betray a hurt resentful attitude While the perfectly coifed hair would indicate great personal pride. I especially like how you used unrelieved black to give the sense of wealth, luxury and priviledge to this person. I'm sure her cloak is made of black mink.

Friday 4th April 2008 13:11
Golden Brown - Narcissa
Awesome! It really suits the way she is described.

Tuesday 1st April 2008 17:58
Golden Brown - Narcissa

Tuesday 1st April 2008 13:15
Golden Brown - Narcissa
Beautiful, but cold. Good work.

Monday 10th July 2006 22:29
Golden Brown - Narcissa
Rich, snobby, b****y, and well. Cold. ! You drew her... excently! Love her eyes, so, distant lovely color also ^-^

Wednesday 5th July 2006 15:59
Golden Brown - Narcissa
really interesting.. reminds me of Alison Goldfrapp.

I really love the contrasting tones.. pale, soft colours to harsh black.. great!

Tuesday 20th June 2006 02:59
Golden Brown - Narcissa
Narcissa looks downright regal in this pic. Love it

Monday 19th June 2006 09:20
Golden Brown - Narcissa
wow she is gorgeous here. i love how her eyes are so vivid. beautiful job!