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Neville and Luna by Kiwikewte

reviews for Neville and Luna by Kiwikewte

Wednesday 16th May 2007 06:45
Neville and Luna
I like Luna, but is Neville's hair the right color?

Monday 9th April 2007 20:25
Neville and Luna
ah ha this reminds me of that famous painting with the farmer holding the pitchfork and his wife lookin' all pissy.... hahahaha

but i love how luna was done. very nice.

is that neville's mibulus mibletonia-thing?

Friday 6th April 2007 13:29
Neville and Luna
i love the way you did luna's eyes!

Thursday 5th April 2007 10:08
Neville and Luna
SO CUTE! Keep em coming...I love your work