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Prisoner of Azkaban Poster by Shley

reviews for Prisoner of Azkaban Poster by Shley

Saturday 28th May 2005 02:36
Prisoner of Azkaban Poster
How did you do that? Seriously, its's AMAZING!!

Tuesday 2nd November 2004 00:03
Prisoner of Azkaban Poster
I'm continually floored by the talent you display.  Althought I've peeked at some of your other works, this one struck me as particularly well done and I'd be interested in knowing the medium, etc you used for this.  

Saturday 30th October 2004 22:19
Prisoner of Azkaban Poster

I saw this and I took such a sharp intake of breath, my mother asked me what happened.  I swear, I wouldn't have been able to tell the diference from the poster if someone would have presented this to me. And I do nmot over generalize, I'm very blunt, and I 'm telling're good.


Saturday 30th October 2004 01:10
Prisoner of Azkaban Poster

Damn-Wow! You are a wonderful artist! I'm compressing a review for all of your artwork here rather than repeating myself on each. I really enjoyed all of them, but Sirius and his Animagus Form was my favorite. If it is your dream to make it as an artist, my wish for you is that you become very rich-Your talent deserves it.