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Moaning Myrtle by Cambryn

reviews for Moaning Myrtle by Cambryn

Wednesday 6th July 2005 14:46
Moaning Myrtle
Nice drawing!  I love the mood you've set with Myrtle back-lit by the moon and the leafless branches behind her.  I also like how she's positioned and the fact that she's sitting in the window.  Very nice and very much in canon (I never did like the movie version of Myrtle).

Friday 25th March 2005 10:33
Moaning Myrtle
Hehe... cool. She looks so pathetic!

Friday 25th March 2005 09:55
Moaning Myrtle
this is good, but is it supposed to be her ghost or is she supposed to be alive?

Friday 25th March 2005 00:03
Moaning Myrtle
That's a very good detail of Moaning Myrtle, if indeedy I do say so myself!! ;) :) :D