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Marauders' Shadow by Amanda Grazini

reviews for Marauders' Shadow by Amanda Grazini

Thursday 24th June 2010 10:16
Marauders' Shadow
I like the shadows, very creative. Kudos!

Monday 16th March 2009 17:49
Marauders' Shadow
love your work! do you have a website?

Saturday 15th November 2008 09:00
Marauders' Shadow
very nice

Friday 14th November 2008 02:13
Marauders' Shadow
This is an excellent image. YOu have done a great job of making the images look like they belong with their "shadows". Thank you for sharing your tallent. p

Saturday 26th July 2008 21:08
Marauders' Shadow
who are they ? harry and... ?

Friday 27th October 2006 16:31
Marauders' Shadow
Really good idea,
Like it!

Thursday 27th April 2006 13:52
Marauders' Shadow
wow, thats pretty cool!

Thursday 17th November 2005 21:59
Marauders' Shadow
WOW! Love this one.

Thursday 4th August 2005 03:03
Marauders' Shadow
Lol. Great job! The shadows were a great idea!

Tuesday 15th March 2005 00:10
Marauders' Shadow
I really, really like this. Although personally I think the rat might be getting kind of a rough deal being associated with Pettigrew in canon! Great image: James and Sirius are perfect and I love Remus, my favourite Marauder. Nice job. =)