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Percy by Cambryn

reviews for Percy by Cambryn

Monday 3rd April 2006 07:19
You know, that is definieetly him. Good job.

Monday 26th September 2005 14:33
Wow, really fantastic. I love the way you drew him. He seems so awkward and very, very Percy to me. Bravisimo! :) ;)

Tuesday 17th May 2005 17:18

This is a refreshing change from the movie representation, an dpersonally a like it a lot better! Excellent job; I especially like the hair!


Sunday 15th May 2005 23:37

I hate him, but i like this. Your image captures him very nearly perfectly, although the only flaw is i would assume that his hair would be more neatly and severly kept. Good Job, though- this is how i imagine him to look....

Sunday 15th May 2005 11:45
An appropriately severe, humorless young man, although I have to think "Perfect Percy" would put a little more effort into grooming his hair.

Otherwise this is a worthy representation.  

Saturday 14th May 2005 21:19
Wow. I love this. He seems so tall/lank and confident. He def. has this Weasley aura about him that makes you think twice about messing with him.

Saturday 14th May 2005 16:40
I think this should be in color, so you can see his defining red-hair.  I really like it, though.  He looks very uptight, like he's supposed to be. I like his glasses too, they're very conservative, as is his apparel.  Tight-lipped, too.  Good job!