Stories by StarrikaStory: The Lighthouse Rating: Teens Status: WIP Reviews: 54 Words: 12,216 Summary: Harry's an Auror post-Hogwarts, and finds himself taking in orphaned children after inheriting a large house. With Ginny's help, and a nomination for Minister of Magic, Harry might just fulfill Trelawney's 3rd prophecy. Muse bit me after a long length of time - currently working to make this into a post-DH A/U. Story: Perfectly Lovely Rating: Everyone Status: Completed Reviews: 13 Words: 1,441 Summary: Post-HBP/Missing Moment. Bill and Fleur discuss the state of things after Dumbledore's Funeral. Prequel to the post-DH rewrite of 'The Lighthouse.' Story: Waiting Rating: Young Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 15 Words: 2,928 Summary: As the war goes on, Ginny waits. Set in the same universe as "Perfectly Lovely," and a bridge to a rewrite of "The Lighthouse" to fit with HBP canon. The rewrite to be HBP compliant never came to fruition so this story is no longer canon in 'The Lighthouse' universe. |