Stories by rich.sanidadStory: One Blink Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 76 Words: 56,312 Summary: Sometimes all it takes is an ill-timed blink, and things don't turn out the way you thought they would. What might have been for Harry and Ginny if one moment in time had a different outcome. Rating: Teens Setting: DH-interview Status: Completed Reviews: 12 Words: 2,668 Summary: Harry surprises Ginny for some rare alone time. Can he convince her to put off the real world for a little while? Story: It's About Time Rating: Teens Setting: Post-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 29 Words: 4,172 Summary: Three short glimpses into the life of the Potters as they build the family that we see in the Epilogue. Compatible with canon. Story: I Wouldn't Change A Thing Rating: Everyone Status: Completed Reviews: 16 Words: 4,994 Summary: Three short glimpses into the life of the Potters as they raise the family that we see in the Epilogue. Compatible with canon. A pseudo-sequel to my other fanfic, “It’s About Time.” |