Stories by Mira MiracleStory: Walking in the Rain Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 7 Words: 5,016 Summary: "Chucking the engagement ring on the floor, I fled, slamming the doors behind me." Shortly before they are due to marry, Ron and Hermione break up. She feels misunderstood and subjugated by the Weasleys' ideas of a married woman. So she goes walking in the rain, thinking about her past with Ron. Little does Hermione know that Ron does so, too... Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 29 Words: 10,388 Summary: Have you ever wondered what the dream diary Ron had to do for Divination in his fifth year was like? Well, here it is. Homework Assignment: Dream Diary by Ronald Bilius Weasley. Dive into Ron's subconcious, explore his dreams and read up his comments on them. Do they maybe show the future? Do they merely show his wishes? Are they just weird? Or is Ron - going crazy? Story: The Other World Cup Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 23 Words: 5,263 Summary: We know that events in the magical world can influence us Muggles. However, when there's something as big as the Football World Cup 2006, it also works the other way round... Story: Like Father, Like Son Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 16 Words: 2,984 Summary: Maths like it's taught in Muggle schools is useless, isn't it? In this matter, both Ron and his son Nick think alike. Unfortunately, they have to complete Nick's maths homework together - but luckily there's always some help around. Story: Why I Love Computers Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 11 Words: 3,341 Summary: Is there a Pureblood wizard who truly loves computers? Yes, there is, and I'm not speaking about Arthur Weasley. Of course he won't miss out in a story concerning his great passion, but in first place it's his daughter who discovers her love for certain hexed Muggle items. Story: The Anniversary Conspiracy Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 14 Words: 3,022 Summary: It's a very special day for Hermione and Ron, and of course Ron won’t forget it again. But with the twins barging in, you can never be certain about what’s going to happen. Story: Twenty White Roses Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 25 Words: 3,034 Summary: A young man commemorates a special anniversary. He brings along roses: Twenty for twenty years of mourning and sadness; white ones for the innocent lives which have been damaged. Twenty white roses for twenty years of memories. Story: Prediction Practice Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 10 Words: 1,830 Summary: Once again, Seamus has manoeuvred himself into a tight spot, when he dares to criticise Parvati's favourite hobby: Divination. Will he be able to escape without severe damage to himself, their relationship and his Galleons? Story: The Hermione Dreams Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 12 Words: 2,414 Summary: Of course it doesn't mean anything that Ron dreamt about kissing Hermione, does it? Follow Harry as he struggles with his essay for Professor Trelawney. Sequel to "Ron's Dream Diary". Story: Fighting Voldemort Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 10 Words: 2,079 Summary: While Harry, Ron and Hermione are searching for the Horcruxes, a frustrated Ginny has to stay at Hogwarts. It's been ages since she has really smiled, and with Neville playing the Prefect, she certainly won't do it tonight. |