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Reviews For Exposure by Tosca

Tuesday 12th June 2012 13:22
Brilliant one shot! This is the Harry and Ginny that I love.
Monday 21st July 2008 22:39
hehe nice story i should do that closet thing sometime lol
Saturday 17th May 2008 22:53
nice story!!! I loved it great way to get people to admiot they like someone... hehe now just to have that happen in realy life...
Saturday 12th January 2008 19:57
aww ww ww!! I loved this! thats a really great way for ron and hermonie to get together! lol
Thursday 20th December 2007 10:12
The scene where they kissed in the forest was amazingly written. Some of Harry's flirtatious lines didn't really sound like his usual self, but I figured under stress, his father was coming out in him. The whole thing filled me with joy and elation.
Friday 1st June 2007 00:39
Thank you for a wonderful story. You made me stop and really imagine this scene in my mind when I read it;

Panicking, she clutched his hands in hers, stopping him from moving an inch from her. Their eyes met; hers were wild, his were miserable. "Harry, you dying for me would be a waste of your life," she murmured.

"Why?" he asked roughly.

She squeezed his hands, and leaned over to touch her forehead to his. "Because I would die anyway. I can't live without you around me, Harry," she replied softly.

Thank you
Thursday 16th March 2006 17:04
Aw! I loved it!
Sunday 6th November 2005 11:10
So cute! I loved it! 
Tuesday 27th September 2005 12:58
Great story.  I absolutely loved it.
Sunday 24th April 2005 21:44
It was good, I liked it! Keep up the great work!

Tuesday 12th October 2004 19:35

Thank god for towels. Who knew they could expose so much? I'm making it tradition to cite my fave quotes from each story! lol! Well, this was bloody brillaint, not a cliche, original and sweet! I'm off to read the sequel!


Wednesday 6th October 2004 11:21

I like this preditorial Harry...makes for some very intense situations. I mean...damn! Almost makes you want to find a nice tree in a forest some where doesn't it?

Well, I am a fan. Will be reading the rest of your fiction presently.


Sunday 4th July 2004 01:08
I was searching around several sites on which I've found your stories posted, and I realized I've been remiss in reviewing your stories that I've enjoyed so much.

This little gem is one of my all-time favorites (which I think I have told you before, but it bears repeating). I like fluff just as much as the next person, but this story was one of the first I found that had a little bit of an edge to it, just the right note of angst.

She could hear Hermione and Ron arguing over on the other side of the shop, and she groaned. "I feel so sorry for you, Harry," she murmured to herself, reaching up to grab a book.


She let out a squeal, and dropped her arm, turning sharply to see Harry standing behind her. There was an odd look in his eye as he looked at her, a look of curiosity and displeasure that she had never seen before. She craned her neck to look at him, and leaned against the bookshelf. "Excuse me?"

"Why do you feel sorry for me?" he repeated, stepping closer to her. She could feel his breath on her skin, and she shivered, searching his gaze. He was unhappy with her. Why?

Abruptly, it hit her. All his life everyone had pitied him: his life, the death of his parents, the things he had to do to survive. Now, he would be pitied for the loss of his godfather. The one thing he hated, other than being a celebrity, was being pitied. And now he thought she pitied him the same as everyone else

She took a deep breath, and smiled at him cheekily. "Because you have the most argumentative friends in the world, Harry. I would hate to get stuck in the middle of them all the time," she replied cheerfully, assuring him with her gaze. I don't pity you. I want to help you.

This one exchange does so much to characterize both Harry and Ginny. We have Harry being defensive and prickly, and you get the sense that he expected more from Ginny than pity. Ginny, though flustered, extricates herself from the awkward situation beautifully.

The first kiss between Harry and Ginny just sizzles, and remains one of my favorite H/G kisses (right up there with Serendipity's H/G kiss, and that's saying A LOT).

"Did you come here to talk?" he asked harshly as he came up to her, trapping her against the tree trunk. His eyes were wild, his hair even crazier, and he gripped his broom with white knuckles.

She licked her lips, and shook her head. "No, I didn't come to talk. I came so you wouldn't be alone," she replied softly, not able to pull her stare from his eyes.

He dropped the Firebolt to the ground, and grabbed her shoulders. "Good. I don't want to talk," he murmured ho++blocked++ly.

I swear, I melt every time I read this. Positively melt. If ever I've read a perfect set up for a kiss, that's it.

"What if everyone I love dies because of who I am, Ginny?"

She paused, meeting his gaze with blurred eyes. It was an honest question. It deserved her honest answer. "They won't die because of you, Harry," she started slowly. "They'll die for you."

This is one of the passages that almost immediately comes to mind whenever I think of H/G. It's very powerful, and so very true.

This is a wonderful story with just the right touch of humor mixed in with romance and heartache. It's one of the fics that is responsible for getting me hooked on H/G, I kid you not. I read this right around the same time I was reading After the End, Muted Sort of Longing, and the Psychic Serpent Trilogy, back in September 03. I started off reading R/H fics in this fandom and quickly switched to H/G because of fics like this one. You are very talented; you are also your own worst critic. To quote another PS'er (Kokopelli), keep writing, I'll keep reading.
Friday 11th June 2004 10:45
wow. that was a really good chapter. i loved it!!!
Wednesday 9th June 2004 01:08
Wonderful! I'm so glad I have a chance to catch up on reading these fics!
Midnight White
Tuesday 8th June 2004 16:10
This is one of my all time favorite HP fan-fictions. I've read this story zillions of times! I love the way you write. Keep it up!
