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Reviews For Lay Down by Sherylyn

Monday 21st April 2008 19:50
Lay Down
Not sure why I've never read this before, but it's really lovely.
Monday 21st April 2008 20:28Lay Down (Author Response)
Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for taking the time to review!
Fics by Fumph
Saturday 19th April 2008 06:38
Lay Down
I wish we'd had more moments like this in canon. I'm going to tell myself that this happened.
Saturday 19th April 2008 11:31Lay Down (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. I want to believe more of this sort of thing happened than we were told, too. I'm going to believe that it's another part of how she didn't dwell too much on certain emotions, etc. *nods* Yup, that's it!! Thanks again!
Friday 25th January 2008 11:36
Lay Down
oh wow i absolutly loved it! It was the exact closure that was missing from the book. Great job =)
Friday 25th January 2008 21:27Lay Down (Author Response)
Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time/effort to review, and I'm glad you liked the way the story went. Thanks for the kind words!
Saturday 10th November 2007 18:29
Lay Down
Great story
Saturday 10th November 2007 18:55Lay Down (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Friday 18th August 2006 17:59
Lay Down

I was just a bit confused when Sirius appeared in the dream. I actually scrolled back up to Harry dreaming about Sirius getting killed... But then I went on reading and it all made sense.

Nice idea about what really was a dream in the end and what wasn't...
Sunday 20th August 2006 21:05Lay Down (Author Response)
Hi Evelyn... thanks for the review! It was semi-intentional about the dreaming being a bit confusing, because it was supposed to be that Harry wasn't completely sure about whether he was dreaming or remembering or... what, exactly. Glad it made sense eventually! Thanks again!
Tuesday 16th May 2006 20:02
Lay Down
i liked the way you had sirius comfert harry and later harry had used it to comfert himself.
love it
Saturday 20th May 2006 13:34Lay Down (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the story! Thanks for reviewing!
Saturday 12th November 2005 21:26
Lay Down
That's a wonderful missing moment. Death and dreams are both such mysteries and your way of handling them together was great, and heartwarming, too.
Saturday 12th November 2005 23:56Lay Down (Author Response)
Thank you so much!  I hoped it would appeal to others as well as to me   I'm glad you liked it, and thanks so much for the review!!
Monday 7th November 2005 18:00
Lay Down
Makes perfect sense. A way to give him peace and rest. And who knows...his traumatizing himself wouldn't exactly let Sirius rest in peace, now would it? Loved this story.
Friday 11th November 2005 12:57Lay Down (Author Response)
I thought so, too... not to mention that I just can't imagine Harry being around Sirius so much during the summer and the Christmas hols without there being *some* sort of time when Sirius might've comforted him in some way, even if not as "obviously" as was written here.  Thanks for the review!
Trista Jade
Monday 7th November 2005 15:12
Lay Down

That was so sweet... beautiful  ^_^


Friday 11th November 2005 12:56Lay Down (Author Response)
Thanks!  I'm so glad you liked it!
Monday 7th November 2005 08:09
Lay Down
Good idea.
Friday 11th November 2005 12:56Lay Down (Author Response)
Thank you so much for the review!!