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Reviews For ...Love You Till Forever... by Sherylyn

Fics by Fumph
Saturday 19th April 2008 07:10
...Love You Till Forever...
I love the concept of Harry as a stay-at home Dad! I'm going to check out the Carpe Diem series, as it's a fic I've never read.
Saturday 19th April 2008 11:33...Love You Till Forever... (Author Response)
Hee... the Carpe Diem series was one of those I first fell in love with, way back when. It was still being written when I got into fandom stuff, and I reallllly loved it. Of course, it's set pre-OotP, so obviously it went AU a long time ago, but that's ok -- it's still enjoyable. I don't think Imogen's ever finished the final story, but it's wonderful anyway! Glad you enjoyed this peek into it!
Wednesday 16th April 2008 22:02
...Love You Till Forever...
aww ww!!! this was awesome!!!
I love this AU!
Thursday 17th April 2008 07:35...Love You Till Forever... (Author Response)
Thanks very much! Imogen came up with this AU years ago, now, and I enjoyed it so much that I wrote my first fic from it (this story, in other words). Thanks for reviewing!