ckarocks Tuesday 24th January 2012 23:01 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
This was good. Part two should be interesting... |
Wednesday 25th January 2012 02:53 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
This story is in three parts. I've had parts of the second and third sections written for about seven years, but because I have been writing other stories, I haven't finished either. Finishing this story is on my To-Do list, but will not be finished until my current story is completed. And yes, it will be interesting because I've decided to update it by adding DH characters.
Thanks for the review. |
hahaheeheehaha Saturday 24th March 2007 04:52 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
good story. i really enjoyed the other one and this one is just as good
just one tiny thing, im not trying to be picky but its really american to say "reviewing" here in england we revise. i know its just a tiny thing but its just slightly annoying. that said, your stories are better than most at keeping americanisms to a minimum |
Saturday 24th March 2007 06:17 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
Thank you so much for your review. I appreciate you taking the time to write to me.
In my defense, I started this story prior to OotP coming out and at the time, did not know that the British equivalent of "reviewing" is "revise". Since I have essentially abandoned this story in favor of completing "New Year, New Hope", I plan to have my beta go in and clean up all the Americanisms in this first chapter. I appreciate your pointing this out to me. It's reviewers like you who keep me engaged in learning the differences between American cultural and British cultural differences. |
XXXmister-E werepony unit Wednesday 2nd November 2005 16:16 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
evan stranger...
Thursday 5th January 2006 01:37 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
...and this one's not even done yet. Just wait until I get the time and the inspiration to finish the teachers and support staff at Hogwarts! Thanks for reading. |
SillyGillie Thursday 7th July 2005 13:58 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
Love it! What interesting conculsions you've come to about the characters hands! Good show! |
Friday 8th July 2005 06:20 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad you like the story. I had fun researching what little information JKR provides about the characters in this manner. The rest is mostly conjecture and observations of my own of real-life Muggles. |
Lady Padfoot Monday 2nd May 2005 19:18 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
Wonderful piece, I've been meaning to review this forever, once I figured out how to get around my fire walls. They're as bad as over protective parents. *pout* I love the fic though, I think it's a wonderful idea, and I can't wait to hear Ginny's opinion on Snape. |
Friday 6th May 2005 23:11 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
Ginny's got an awful lot of words about Snape, but she's procrastinating putting them down on paper! (She's afraid he'll give her a month's worth of detention if she writes what she really feels!) Thanks for the review. I'm glad you are enjoying the story. |
Sassenach Wednesday 13th April 2005 14:48 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
OMG, Arnel! I had to read some of your stuff since you get to read all of mine! Can I just say that I'm in love with your writing. I seriously hope I become at least half as good as you are! Thank goodness you're my beta!
Honestly, I could feel Ginny talking. It was like she was talking to herself but in my ears I could hear it all. Your words flow seemlessly together.
I loved the description of Dean, because it's so nice to hear about an Artist in Hogwarts. If I were there, I'd hope there was someone else that was an artist too! Seamus' background added a lot to the character, and I think differently of him now- in a good way, I promise!
Seriously, I'm just amazed and dumbfounded by your work. I should have been reading your stuff a long time ago! I hope I pick up on your great writing! Cheers, girl! |
Friday 6th May 2005 23:08 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you could find the time to read and review...your praise has me blushing! I hope I can live up to it!
Writing what you know, in this case hands, makes the process easy. I spend hours each week studying hands to see they are properly curved on the piano keys or using the proper fingering for difficult passages and translating those hours into words about JKR's characters came easily when I remembered what certain hands looked like. Add my own feelings towards the characters and voila...a fic!
Just keep writing...the more you do it, the better you'll get! |
Aggiebell Thursday 7th October 2004 15:08 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
Arnel, I really am constantly amazed by these "studies" you do. I especially liked the time you spent on Dean and Neville (surprise, surprise ;) [italic]*hugs Neville*[/italic] ). I feel like I have so much more insight into the characters you chose to have Ginny study.
[quote]I did notice one glaringly obvious omission on Ginny's part however...[/quote]
BaF, Check out Arnel's [URL=]Hands: A Study by Ginny Weasley[/URL] for the "missing" observation. She's got him covered.
I agree...can't wait to see what Ginny makes of the professors. Because you know she's spent at least as much time studying them as she has the students.
[quote]And yes, Aggiebell is very eagle-eyed, isn't she!:yourock:[/quote]
:blush: Thanks to both of you!
Julie |
Bring and Fly Thursday 7th October 2004 04:25 | Hands Around Hogwarts |
Totally amazing! This story (Essay, almost) really rang true for me because I'm a hand studier too! I liked the descriptions and the way you had Ginny extrapolate back to what they meant to understand those around her better You must spend a lot of time people-watching to have made the imagery so clear for us to follow.
I did notice one glaringly obvious omission on Ginny's part however...
Waiting eagerly for part two. Longing to see what Ginny makes of Snape, the potion master (bother!) And yes, Aggiebell is very eagle-eyed, isn't she!
Thursday 7th October 2004 04:25 | Hands Around Hogwarts (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked my ideas about the characters Ginny studied. I purposely left out Harry because I covered him extensively as a "quasi-Weasley" in Hands: a Study by Ginny Weasley.
By the way, this piano teacher spends a good deal of her time watching her students' hands, so this little plot bunny showed its fuzzy little ears quite naturally. Thanks for reading. |