LoonyMae Friday 2nd January 2009 21:04 | Hourglasses |
It was really cool. I liked it a bunch. |
Saturday 3rd January 2009 03:02 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you think my story is cool. Professor McGonagall is my favorite of the permanent teachers at Hogwarts and I thought it would be fun to write this story about her. Thanks for telling me. |
pyromain Friday 5th October 2007 17:25 | Hourglasses |
Loved McGonagall in this story I always like how she balances her competive nature with being a fare teacher. |
Friday 5th October 2007 22:05 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
Minerva McGonagall is the sort of teacher I always wanted to be. Nothing fazes her and she has the respect of all her students, even the Slytherins. Thanks for reviewing. |
ginnysohma Sunday 24th June 2007 20:14 | Hourglasses |
i see room for at least two missing moments here! the twin\'s prank, and the melting cauldron! |
Sunday 24th June 2007 22:08 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
It's been a long time since I reviewed this story and I must admit I had fun trying to find which two missing moment story possibilities you refer. I'm glad you think this story is worthy of expansion. Thanks for reading and reviewing. |
snowball Thursday 26th May 2005 20:22 | Hourglasses |
Nice insight from POV of Professor McGonagall |
Friday 27th May 2005 08:15 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
Professor McGonagall is my favorite Hogwarts teacher. I love her no-nonsense approach to life, students and teaching. I think she's a very fair teacher who treats all her students with respect, even the ones, like Draco, who need a firmer hand. In return, her students show her the respect she shows them because they know what to expect if they do not complete assignments or do what she asks.
Thank you for reviewing. |
ninkenate Saturday 4th December 2004 09:06 | Hourglasses |
Very good missing moment. I loved your McGonagall. I've always wished
there were more about them personally in cannon. I also liked seeing
Draco caught and given detention which doesn't happen enough in
Sunday 5th December 2004 01:38 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I also liked seeing Draco caught and given detention which doesn't happen enough in cannon.
This story was easy to write since I used to teach elementary school. On that note, certain students just know how to push a teacher's buttons just enough to provoke him/her and I drew on my experiences in dealing with such students to elaborate on how Minerva reacts to Draco. I agree...Draco needs to go to detention! Thanks for reviewing.
DailyProphetReporting Wednesday 1st December 2004 02:08 | Hourglasses |
It's a bit different seeing a fic where the actual plot is only a secondary devise, but I think that works fairly well here. You've given us a nice glimpse of McGonagall's personality, and perhaps more importantly, a neat look at the day-to-day workings at Hogwarts. I like how you keep the story at a periodic, scholastic pacing by revisiting the hourglass and how you bring across the rivalries among the students and the faculty with a somewhat, but not entirely neutral perspective.
And that you do it while knocking Draco down a step or two is all the better. ... -KC |
Monday 6th December 2004 01:29 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I used to be an elementary school teacher doing prep classes for the other classroom teachers at my school. Since I drew on this experience while writing the story, I naturally remembered how many times a day I would pass the school flag pole and glance up at the flag. So, due to the fact that Professor McGonagall is free to walk about the school, it just seemed natural that she would keep a hourly accounting of how many gems were in each hourglass.
Also, it is my opinion that if Draco Malfoy could get out from under his father's thumb for a while, maybe his attitude would change. (I'm quite interested in what JKR does with him in Book 6. A change may not occur until the final book, but one can never tell.) There are enough adults at Hogwarts who would be willing to mentor him...if he was willing to take the initiative. I can always have hope that he will. Then, again, maybe his upbringing is too ingrained and he will end up being his own destruction.
I appreciate you taking the time to review my story. |
Dancer24 Tuesday 30th November 2004 20:08 | Hourglasses |
This story was so different. I really liked. It was like a section of a tv episode. I would be intrested in a continuation, only from snape's point of view, or possibly madam pinces! |
Monday 6th December 2004 01:36 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked my story. It may be the first in a teacher series: I have some ideas, but the plot bunnies are still hiding. By the way, Professor Snape is a very hard character for me to write (I don't write controversy well) and it takes many hours of writing and erasing to make him act and sound as I think he should. Madam Pince...hmmmm! Not a bad idea! |
Jedione Tuesday 30th November 2004 12:58 | Hourglasses |
Wonderful story, it's always good to read about perspectives from the point of view of the staff. Very nice! |
Monday 6th December 2004 01:45 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
To me it's fun to write about the minor character adults who are so essential to Harry and company's education. The teachers are really at the heart of the school and their attitudes and prejudices set the tone of Hogwarts' atmosphere: just refer to the changes Professor Umbridge wrought in Book Five. Suddenly, the school goes from being a place Harry thinks of as home to somewhere just above the Dursley's.
I've had several suggestions as to sequels or parts in a story cycle having to do with the teachers and I may just take up my readers' challenges and write some stories about a day in some of their lives.
Again, thank you for your review. |
Midnight White Tuesday 30th November 2004 06:33 | Hourglasses |
This story totally deserves to be the story of the week! I love it! |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 10:05 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I'm glad you think so. It was a complete surprise and I'm honored to to have been chosen. I'm glad you liked the story.
Arnel |
Archimedes Monday 29th November 2004 23:12 | Hourglasses |
Wonderful insight, and very enjoyable |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 00:42 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked it. Professor McGonagall is one of my favorite characters; the kind of teacher I've always hoped I could be. She's also a lot like my mother, which made her easy to write! |
Iris Monday 29th November 2004 13:48 | Hourglasses |
That was great...loved the competition between snape and mcgonagall...hehe, you've got to love house loyalty
Maybe you could do some more teacher POV'S |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 00:46 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I'm going to take your suggestion to heart. It's fun to write the teachers and expands my appreciation of what they do for Hogwarts. As for house loyalty, JKR gives us lots of clues as to just how loyal to their own houses McGonagall and Snape are...especially when McGonagall wants to keep the House Cup in OotP!
Thanks for reviewing. |
crimson tears Monday 29th November 2004 13:05 | Hourglasses |
wow, this is very interesting. I like Minerva's portrayal. She seems neutral, but JKR gave hints and clues that she likes when her house wins and you've done it just right.
i think this is a very good piece of writing because it reflects a character we don't know that much about and even if people can form her character their own way, your way was brilliant! I'm not sure if I understand everything I'm blabbing about here, but I like it. Honestly... |
MagnoliaMama Monday 29th November 2004 07:00 | Hourglasses |
What a wonderful character study! One of the things I like most about McGonagall is that, despite her efforts to appear neutral, she's just as (if not more so) competitive as the students when it comes to House primacy, and you've done an excellent job portraying that facet of her character here. |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 00:50 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
As a loyal Gryffindor-type myself, I probably would do exactly what Professor McGonagall does every time she passes through the entrance hall: glance up at the hourglasses. She strives herself for excellence and definitely expects that from her students and that's what I love about her.
Thanks for the review! |
OHGinnyfan Monday 29th November 2004 05:33 | Hourglasses |
Very interesting story! I had never thought looking at the hourglasses like that. I think doing it from Minerva's eyes is a wonderful way to see them.
Susan |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 00:53 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I was reading a story one afternoon her on Phoenix Song and the author (I don't remember who now) mentioned the hourglasses. That started me thinking and before I knew it, that little plot bunny had me by the ear and was pulling me toward the computer!
I'm glad you thought my story was interesting. |
Musings Wednesday 17th November 2004 14:26 | Hourglasses |
Arnel, this was just wonderful! This is a terrific missing moment from OotP. I love McGonagall, so seeing things through POV always make me smile. Thanks!! |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 00:56 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
We don't see enough of certain teachers in canon, although OotP did include McGonagall much more than in the past. She's the kind of teacher I've always aspired to be which made her easy to write. I'm glad you enjoyed my story. |
DADAGinny Tuesday 9th November 2004 14:07 | Hourglasses |
I love those "missing scene" fics. I felt this fit in very nicely! It was quite humerous as well.
Tuesday 30th November 2004 01:03 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
I'm glad you found my story humerous. Sometimes I think I take my writing too seriously which translates into slightly angsty stories. However, I had fun writing the Draco scene because I've had students like him and drew on the memories of their antics for his part of the story. There's nothing like art imitating life...or is that saying the other way 'round? Thanks for reviewing. |
blinieldar Tuesday 19th October 2004 16:26 | Hourglasses |
My personal favorite part of this story is the hint at competitiveness
between Mcgonagall and Snape. Sheer brilliance and all that rot. Very
nice work behind the scenes.
Tuesday 30th November 2004 01:04 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
Thanks for the review. We don't see enough of the teachers in canon, so it was fun to write this from McGonagall's POV. |
BabyRuth Tuesday 19th October 2004 15:47 | Hourglasses |
Oh, this was nice. It'd be interesting to see what McGonagall's thoughts are during the Fred/George swamp/broomstick incident! (hint hint, wink wink!)
Tuesday 30th November 2004 01:08 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
Your little plot bunny suggestion is being seriously considered. As a teacher, it's easy to have favorite students and very hard to keep that sentiment away from those individuals. Professor McGonagall has been remarkably successful at doing just that and I think she misses them and their antics after they leave. You've definitely got my brain gears grinding! Thanks for the nice review. |
Bring and Fly Tuesday 19th October 2004 04:57 | Hourglasses |
I like it. Almost a 'view behind the scenes' at how the school operates. I'm guessing that Um****h would let Malfoy (Grr!) off him detention and Snape would give him hell for getting caught.
Have you any more along these lines? And I agree, Aggie is awesome. |
Tuesday 30th November 2004 01:11 | Hourglasses (Author Response) |
Thanks for the review. I've got some ideas for other teacher-centered fics rolling around in my head, but I need to finish some of my other projects before I develop the new ideas. |