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Reviews For Lunar Eclipse by DreamcoatMom

Thursday 9th June 2005 07:35
Lunar Eclipse

I cried right along with them, which is one of the highest compliments I can give you.  You made the emotional element real and it touched me.  Raw and real without melodrama.  Thank you!

I've read this before when I was on a Lupin/Tonks kick last winter.  Where else do you have this posted?  I can't remember where I've seen it.  Loved it then too!

Wild Magelet
Sunday 6th February 2005 04:36
Lunar Eclipse
So lovely! I'm not an especially emotional person, but I actually got teary sitting here and that happens very rarely, so compliments! I can afford to just be impressed rather than embarrassed, because no one saw me. =) Wonderful job.
Thursday 16th December 2004 14:34
Lunar Eclipse
*sniff* Good story! I can always tell when a story like this one is good because they all most always make me cry, which is a good thing don't get me wrong! You did an awesome job!
Friday 17th December 2004 10:48Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)

It's okay - I got a little teary too. How can you not when you consider Remus's situation? Thanks for the kind review!

Thursday 16th December 2004 05:19
Lunar Eclipse
*sob* That was really good. Thanks. Bunny
Friday 17th December 2004 10:49Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)
Thanks, Bunny. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Wednesday 15th December 2004 22:42
Lunar Eclipse
Nice one ... interesting to see a one shot on Remus/Tonks' anticipated friendship :)
Friday 17th December 2004 10:51Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)

I find them so intriguing as a duo, I just had to explore their dynamic a little bit. I'm looking forward to fleshing the story out. Thanks for the nice review!

Wednesday 15th December 2004 21:23
Lunar Eclipse

Excellent - I really enjoyed your characterizations of both Remus and Tonks. Makes sense that Tonks would deal with Remus in a similiar way as Sirius. And I think it's a great concise description of the grief that all involved are feeling.

I love the line, "Both he and Sirius had pinned all their hopes on each other." Very insightful!

Thanks, I look forward to reading more from you.

Friday 17th December 2004 10:56Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)

Thank you so much!  I do intend to carry on with this story, since I've received some very positive feedback.

I love the line, "Both he and Sirius had pinned all their hopes on each other." Very insightful!

Thank you. To me, that is the tragedy of Harry's loss. It's not so much that he lost someone with whom he had forged an unbreakable bond, since he and Sirius had no time to make it happen - it was that he lost all hope of ever being able to do so. Remus did get that chance, and understands the depth of what Harry has lost. Thanks for the great review!

Tuesday 14th December 2004 14:44
Lunar Eclipse

What a sweet and wonderful piece.  You've captured Remus so well here--his pain and misery, and his anger.  So many people focus on Harry's feelings about Sirius, few delve into Remus, although I think that his reaction would be just as intense.  To lose the last of your childhood friends in such a away would be devastating, and you've written that brilliantly.

I certainly hope that Remus plays an important role in Harry's life in the future canon books.

"In a way, I reckon it was. Both he and Sirius had pinned all of their hopes on each other. Merlin knows they deserved some happiness. The kid is so damned brave -- but I don't know if he has the courage to face this."

From the entire fic, this line stuck with me.  It's so true, about Harry and Sirius counting on each other for their futures.  I'm sad just thinking about it.

That said, I would love to see more of this.  It's beautiful and realistic.

Thank you.


Friday 17th December 2004 11:49Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)

Thank you so much, Sarah - what a great review - very insightful, and you completely got what I was going for with this.

I certainly hope that Remus plays an important role in Harry's life in the future canon books.

Me too!  I will be very disappointed in him if he doesn't step forward now. I believe that he will, since I don't think JKR would have so thoroughly developed his and Harry's relationship in book 3 otherwise - it all has to go somewhere. I find the fact that it was Lupin who kept Harry from charging through the veil to be significant. I'm hoping it's a forshadowing of how their relationship will play out. Harry may have pinned all of his hopes on Sirius, but the real hope has rested all along in Lupin. He just hasn't realized it yet. This idea will most certainly be a key component of the rest of my story. Thanks again for such kind words and astute observations.


Tuesday 14th December 2004 13:22
Lunar Eclipse

Ohhh this was... wonderful. And this is my favortie part, because I believe in what you wrote with such a fierse intensity. Harry never should have suffered. He's really just a child, forced to grow up beyond his years. I'm 17 and I can't even begin to imagine everything he's going through. Even Ron, Hermione, Ginny...everyone. It's unfair.

He was silent for a moment as he stared unseeingly at the wet grass. Hurting for him? Hell yes, he was hurting for Harry. How much pain was one person supposed to endure? And Harry was just a kid. He should be lurking after girls, sneaking Firewhiskey into house parties, inventing pranks to hack off that little Malfoy ferret, not fending off an army of Death Eaters, or being forced to play Voldemort's unwilling host, and certainly not watching his friends be injured -- or his beloved godfather be killed. Remus lifted his eyes to the lighted window again, the mask gone, replaced by grief, raw and stark in its intensity.

Well, I think you should add more to this. This is brilliant. A wonderful piece. I'm also a fan of Remus/Tonks. Although if you do add more, make sure not to leave out the Harry/Ginny-ness! 


Friday 17th December 2004 12:01Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)
Thanks, Maria!  I haven't decided what to do about the whole H/G dynamic yet, but I can tell you that I see it as very possible in canon, so I may work in at least a hint of it. Thanks for such a wonderful review!
Tuesday 14th December 2004 08:41
Lunar Eclipse

Really nice job, very touching.  I like Remus and Tonks, and I really liked seeing the adults in Harry's life acknowledging that he's hurting, even if they can't do anything about it at the moment.

I'd love to see another piece from you on the meeting between Remus and Harry if DD allows it.  I think they both could help each other.

Nice work.

Friday 17th December 2004 12:05Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)
Thank you!  I do intend to take Remus and Harry's relationship farther, as Harry really needs an adult in his life. It is my belief that this is the purpose of Lupin's role in canon - to be revealed as the steady adult in Harry's life who can always be relied upon. Granted, there was that little incident in 3rd year, but otherwise, Lupin has been very consistent in his dealings with Harry. I would definitely like to explore this possibility further. Thanks for a very nice review!
Tuesday 14th December 2004 07:06
Lunar Eclipse
Congratulations, you're official now! This is such a sweet and poignant piece that offers an honest look at grief. I find the dynamic between Remus and Tonks fascinating and hope you'll continue (not that I'm biased or anything *g*). Greta job!
Friday 17th December 2004 12:09Lunar Eclipse (Author Response)
Thank you, thank you! Such kind words are the brass ring, coming from a person who is such a gifted writer in her own right. Couldn't have done it without you, dear - and I hope you're able to be on board for the rest of it as well. This whole experience has rocked! I can see why fic writing becomes such an addiction, since I'm pretty sure I'm hooked.