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Reviews For If Only by Eressea

Thursday 27th December 2007 02:40
If Only
I love reading stories from Ginny's POV, it's great to get a different perspective of events. Great job with this, it sounds very true to Ginny's character.
Friday 17th December 2004 23:37
If Only

ahh the inner turmoil of Ginny's mind. I love to think about what she could be thinking about. Actually, the title of this reminded me of a poem I once wrote with the same title. It had a similar theme to it as well. Nice job.

Friday 17th December 2004 17:05
If Only
Sigh.  Poor Ginny.

Friday 17th December 2004 07:54
If Only

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks..."

A very nice missing moment.

Thursday 16th December 2004 16:22
If Only
Fantastic work! It seems so much like Ginny (or at least how I imagine Ginny!). Good job! Please write more.
Saturday 18th December 2004 23:42If Only (Author Response)


Thursday 16th December 2004 16:21
If Only
Fantastic work! It seems so much like Ginny (or at least how I imagine Ginny!). Good job! Please write more.
Robert Owen
Thursday 16th December 2004 13:36
If Only

A very nice look at the inner Ginny form GoF.  I really liked the give and take of her torn feelings, you really hit some good points there.  Now, how about a look at Hermione's PoV on the same scene.




Saturday 18th December 2004 23:56If Only (Author Response)
Thanks.  I probably won't write a Hermione one since there's already so many out there.  Hmm, I just looked for one but couldn't find one.  Well, it seems that way to me!  Anyway, thanks for the review.
Thursday 16th December 2004 12:26
If Only
Hey, it's nice this is finally up.  Way to go Serena!  Parts of it remind of I Stand Here Ironing--not in content, but in how you used the internal dialogue.  Nice.
Saturday 18th December 2004 23:35If Only (Author Response)

"I Stand Here Ironing" is probably what taught me how to use internal dialogue, even though I didn't especially like it.  Thanks for the review.