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Reviews For Mathamagic by Gridley

Tuesday 22nd March 2011 18:55
Hahaha that was fun, thank you for sharing!
Tuesday 2nd October 2007 16:36
wow very odd made no sense at all for me!
No Idea Why I Smile
Tuesday 17th April 2007 17:16
Mathamagic! I can see many of the fun poking instances, and i cant take the smile off my face...and if you respond, please, dont make a pun from my site

anyway, i loved it...quite funny...the toads, and all that. and then the "I forgot" hahahaha and Mary and srue thats just an accident ;-]


ack! forgot to mention the part about dean, and that was my fave! poor Dean; getting his ears screamed off by rabid H/G-ers...almost feel sorry for him! lol...again, loved it!

Friday 20th July 2007 10:13Mathamagic (Author Response)
Hmm. In my other fic I made him a spy, modified his memory several times, and shot him. In this one I deafened him.

I think I have a subconscious dislike of Dean Thomas. Odd, that.
No Idea Why I Smile
Tuesday 17th April 2007 17:15
Mathamagic! I can see many of the fun poking instances, and i cant take the smile off my face...and if you respond, please, dont make a pun from my site

anyway, i loved it...quite funny...the toads, and all that. and then the "I forgot" hahahaha and Mary and srue thats just an accident ;-]

Friday 20th July 2007 09:55Mathamagic (Author Response)
I promise I won't make a pun out of your name.
Know that I appreciate your reviews.
Why do you use such a name if you've got a perfectly good one like Tricia?
You liked Mary and Sue, then? Of course you did, they're so wonderful...
Saturday 19th August 2006 20:37
Okay now that was funny. I loved Dean's part in there --hearing voices is never a good thing, not even in the wizarding world. Seamus with the goblet thing was funny and then Harry with asking Ginny and all...

Simply hilarious.
Friday 20th July 2007 09:52Mathamagic (Author Response)
"For pure fluff, try Gridley's Short Stories! All the fun of regular fanfic, and no calories!" :-)
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Sunday 4th September 2005 21:43
Saturday 10th September 2005 06:27Mathamagic (Author Response)
robbie cupcake-girl
Monday 27th June 2005 21:12


Except when you made a 1984 reference. I am in deep denial about the existence of that book. (You try studying it for FOUR MONTHS with a lunatic lecturer and see how you feel about it).

But apart from that this was hysterical. Really liked the thousand voices bits.

I laughed every kind of laugh (except possibly evil mwahaha). From little giggle-chuckle, to a snort. (Don't spread the fact that I snorted around OK, I want to pretend to be ladylike)

Good grief. I'm really sorry but I just about felt my brain leave my head during that review. That really was a fantastic fic. Ignore the rambling

Wednesday 27th July 2005 11:03Mathamagic (Author Response)

Hey, I ramble myself. My wife claims she enjoys it. :-}

I was heavily traumatized by 1984 also - in fact I wrote a short-short called "1994" in which I postulated a Swiss overthrow of the system described therin (the Swiss having remained independant, and being willing to destroy the governments of the three powers without conquering them). That helped, but I still refuse to re-read the book.

Wednesday 15th June 2005 08:50

teehee this one is cute.  I muct read more.



Friday 24th June 2005 05:27Mathamagic (Author Response)
Please do! :-)
Wednesday 27th April 2005 15:38

I enjoyed every single one of your "explanations". Priceless!  Thanks for the giggle :)

Thursday 2nd June 2005 18:34Mathamagic (Author Response)
Well, it all seems to logical. I'm especially fond of my Hagrid's missing day and the grad students. :-)
Tuesday 22nd February 2005 14:53
I really like the 1984 reference. Good story!
Friday 4th March 2005 02:48Mathamagic (Author Response)


Monday 7th February 2005 20:58

I forgot to tell you, I have something of a theory about the numbers of students, though it doesn't work in Harry's earlier years.  If magic is a natural occurance, I doubt that there are exactly twenty witches and twenty wizards born each year in England.  Even if they were, they wouldn't split evenly into the four houses, as magic came before Hogwarts.  Unless the sorting is done precisely so that the students would be split up evenly, which is hard, because the hat has to sort each student as soon as he sees them and can't look at all of them before deciding.  Also, there probably would be students born in other countries.

That being said, I would imaging that there would have been a wizarding baby boom right after Harry defeated You Know Who.  Couples would be more comfortable having children after the war, and might have waited so that they could be born in better times.  And since there were probably many deaths during the war, the students in the years above Harry would be reduced.  So I imagine that there would be at least double or triple the number of students in the years two and three below Harry in comparison to his year, and then high numbers continuing. 

Wednesday 9th February 2005 17:05Mathamagic (Author Response)

Unfortunately our evidence is a little more solid - it seems that Slytherin + Gryffindor (Harry's Year) is 20 students, as is Hufflepuff + Gryffindor. With at least 8 Gryffindors, Ravenclaw would need to be huge to really bring up the numbers. The baby boom theory helps somewhat more, but we've already hit ~800 by Harry's third year.

Harry's year at Hogwarts would have to be amazingly small, or three of the four houses very unpopular in that year, to make it come anywhere close.

If you're interested in more detail, there are some more details on the Harry Potter Lexicon.

Sunday 6th February 2005 11:51
Ah, this explains everything quite nicely. Haha, seriously, very funny story!
Wednesday 9th February 2005 17:00Mathamagic (Author Response)
Doesn't it though? :-)
Friday 4th February 2005 12:55
Huh?I don't get it.Happy Valintines Day though.
Friday 4th February 2005 15:05Mathamagic (Author Response)
Well, there's a fair amount to get, but just try not to take any of it seriously, think of Flints, and you should be fine.
Thursday 3rd February 2005 19:29
 Too funny!
Friday 4th February 2005 06:44Mathamagic (Author Response)
Oh no, I killed another fan!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:36
I was !  This was so funny!!!!!

Friday 4th February 2005 06:44Mathamagic (Author Response)
Thanks. :-)
Thursday 3rd February 2005 06:35

Hey, now you mentioned, Dumbledore does resemble the BB. I mean, the guy knows EVERYTHING! What are the chances of that happening in real world?

Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:19Mathamagic (Author Response)
Eh. He's the Mystic Old Sage who Knows All and Tells Little. Its magic! I'll let that one slide. But just how many students does the school which is the centerpiece of your entire series have, Jo?
Thursday 3rd February 2005 06:00

*cough* *sputter* *snicker*

Grad students . . .ages . . . Eurasia . . . chorus . . . on and on.  Oh, you covered all the bases, didn't you?

Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:17Mathamagic (Author Response)
Oh, there's plenty I missed. I could have brought up term always staring on September 1st regardless of what day of the week that is, why the Hogwarts express takes longer to go one way than the other, how many days there are in a week, the logistics of class schedules, the logistics of O.W.L. exams...
Thursday 3rd February 2005 02:35
Well, for a completely nosensical story, that was rather enjoyable. You've definitely got your fanfic cliche bases covered. Mary and Sue? Definitely perfect for sensitive, intuitive blokes like Harry and Ron -- despite what the voices say. 

I also found the bit about Charlie's and Bill's varying ages quite humerous. After all, Ms. Rowling could never make a simple mistake....

The best part, though, was the spread of EngSoc at Hogwarts. Full credit to Big Brother Dumbledore! After all, where would the wizarding world be if everyone questioned the Truth. ...

Funny stuff!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:16Mathamagic (Author Response)

I'd probably go a little easier on her if she hadn't come up with two different sets of ages for those two, neither of which made sense. And let's not even get started on the famous "I've wanted to come ever since Bill came" line...

See what happens when you expose children to 1984 at an impressionable age? Not only do they go write sequals to un-traumative themselves, they shove catch phrases into unrelated fanfic...

Wednesday 2nd February 2005 23:19
This made my laugh a little more than is strictly decent.
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:12Mathamagic (Author Response)
There's an interesting image. ;-)
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 23:07
About, Draco being HBP, you know as said as it I think hes almost the best chioce. I mean we know it's not Harry or Voldemort so who else could it be really?

It's not like Jo hasn't dropped a bomb like this on us before after all.

Excellent Fic, btw Mary and Sue are the best OCs ever.

Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:12Mathamagic (Author Response)

Short answer on the HBP? Hagrid. I'm not sure myself by any means, but I think he's got a better shot than Draco or Snape.

Hagrid at least as something to be prince of (the giants).

Hey, I had to have Mary Sue somewhere in one of my fics - I think its part of the FanFic Writers Requirements or something...

Wild Magelet
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 22:33
Couldn't let this one go by without a review! SO funny. Seriously, when I got to the voices (and let's face it, they're there. Even if JKR can't hear them!) sreaming out in frustration, I just lost it. Awesome. =)
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:10Mathamagic (Author Response)
Just getting everyone warmed up for HBP, when I am very much afraid Harry will not kiss Ginny, much as we'd all love him to.
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 21:19

"I could have sworn that I heard millions of voices suddenly cry out in terror," Dean said slowly.

Oh my gosh, you had me cracking up!

Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:10Mathamagic (Author Response)
The original line was "Its like millions of people are shouting in horror" or some such. I looked at that, did a double take, and stole the worst line in Episodes IV-VI. :-)
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 20:37
LOL its so random... but so funny as well...a bit like Napolean Dynamite gone HP style...O_O whoa...that would be
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:08Mathamagic (Author Response)
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Napolean Dynamite... reference/link?
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 19:09
We must figure out a way to send this one to Jo---I'm serious!   The maths especially seem taylored for her laughter.  Well done.
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:07Mathamagic (Author Response)

I suspect she gets more than enough fan mail as it is, and most of these hits are ones she's already acknowledged.

But thanks for the compliment!

Wednesday 2nd February 2005 18:41

  That was a silly treat! Thank you!


Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:06Mathamagic (Author Response)
(Bows) You're welcome.
Robert Owen
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 17:38

You do realize that its time for you to back to Arkham Asylum, right?

More, More!

Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:06Mathamagic (Author Response)
Shhh!! They aren't even looking for me in the right state. Don't tip them off!
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 17:11
I love the chorus of fandom!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 07:06Mathamagic (Author Response)
I just couldn't resist imagining the reactions of, say, the people here at if Harry had the chance and blew it for another year...