joes12321 Thursday 24th July 2008 23:14 | Serenading Ginny |
i didn't know what to expect when i read this. but wow, touching and emotional. a wonderful song choice that really captures the essence of their relationship. |
pyromain Sunday 15th July 2007 08:37 | Serenading Ginny |
Harry doesn't strick me as a singing type, but one never knows.
Loved it, thanks for writing it. |
Sarcasmo Sunday 26th June 2005 19:36 | Serenading Ginny |
Back again with an invite! I help run a Harry Potter-based RP site, and would love to have you come join in! We need teachers right now, particularly ones with authors who can write so well
The link is and if you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at I hope to see you there!
(There should be three of a certain letter between the backslash and the 'geocities' with a dot... bit the 'lame review' filter won't let it through!) |
Sarcasmo Saturday 25th June 2005 17:52 | Serenading Ginny |
WOW!!! I loved that! I love little bits of fluff like this and it's been so long since I've found anything really good (then again, I've been trying to sift through Thanks for posting such a sweet fic. Is there a karaoke bar like that which you know of? Or was that your own invention? If it's your own invention I'm not quite sure what to think of it... it would have been fun to have a million strangers listening too (because I think that's the best part of karaoke), but other than that, I really enjoyed the piece.
I think I'll jump over to see what else you've written. |
Sunday 26th June 2005 18:56 | Serenading Ginny (Author Response) |
Is there a karaoke bar like that which you know of? Or was that your own invention?
Yep, there are singing lounges here--I'm from the Philippines, btw--that are like that. But the most common ones are still those that can humiliate yourself in front of dozens of people. ;)
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the fic. :)
dophingirl79 Saturday 26th February 2005 20:22 | Serenading Ginny |
ahh such a good story, made me all warm and fuzzy inside.I hope to hear more stories from you soon. |
Delani Friday 25th February 2005 17:25 | Serenading Ginny |
"At first I was afraid, I was petrified," Ron sang… no, yelled… screamed—er—recited. "
Hah! Too true! This was a delightful little surprise (though somewhat difficult for me to read, because everytime it said song, I read, "snog". I'm looking for a smiley with its head in the gutter...) The correlation with Love Actually made it even better, as that is such a fantabulous film! One comment: Sequel?
Delani |
Friday 25th February 2005 19:02 | Serenading Ginny (Author Response) |
This was a delightful little surprise (though somewhat difficult for me to read, because everytime it said song, I read, "snog".
ROTFL! Don't worry, you're not the only one. I often typed "snog" instead of "song" believe it or not. Originally, there was no kiss at the end but I changed my mind so as not to frustrate my fingers that typed "snog" a handful lot of times. lol
Sequel? I'll see what I can do ;) |
sonicdale Thursday 24th February 2005 10:58 | Serenading Ginny |
I have only one word:
I absolutely LOVE Volante's "What Do I Do" song. When I saw the lyrics, I played the mp3 along with it.
Wow. Pure Gold. You captured the moment well.
More. I say. More. We need more fics with good music. Good job. |
Thursday 24th February 2005 21:39 | Serenading Ginny (Author Response) |
I love that song, too. I hope you played the piano acoustic, that's the one I've been playing while I was writing this...and if I read this fic again. ;)
Thanks for the review! |
weasleysrcool Thursday 24th February 2005 04:22 | Serenading Ginny |
That was truly a wonderful story. I enjoyed it immensely. Keep writing, it was very good. Thanks for sharing it with us. |
Ima Quidditch Fan Wednesday 23rd February 2005 22:39 | Serenading Ginny |
This was lovely - really so perfect! I loved them standing under his cloak out of the rain, and him 'seeing' her home... very Harry, and a perfect ending!!! Oh, I would love to read more about them...
Two thumbs up! |
mary-v Wednesday 23rd February 2005 15:58 | Serenading Ginny |
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! *squeal* I absolutely LOVED this!!!!!!!!!!!! And the Love Actually inspiration is the kiss between David and Natalie at the school play right? That's my favorite scene from that movie. *sigh* Well, this was one of the best first kiss fics I have read!!!!!!!!!!! Oh but I LOVE your characterisation of Fred and George *photographers for life!!!*, and Ron trying to sing I will surviveand you made a singing Harry actually work, and not cheesy!!! Well, coodles to you and your amazing talent!!!Sorry for the incredibely rambly review, I just like this so much I don't know what to say exactly!
~Maria~ |
Wednesday 23rd February 2005 17:02 | Serenading Ginny (Author Response) |
Wow, thanks! I definitely won't mind the rambling. However, you got the kiss wrong; it was inspired by Karl and Sarah's scene. Those two remind me so much of H/G and got me frustrated on how their story turned out, so I took the matters in my own hands. lol And yes, Fred and George did their part oh so well, so is Ron. ;) Thanks again! |
Nimloki Wednesday 23rd February 2005 15:48 | Serenading Ginny |
The song did fit even if it was a bit obscure.
And that was a really nice story.