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Reviews For Love Fool by Delylah

Tuesday 26th May 2009 13:10
Love Fool
I have just read all of your stories with the exception of the unfinished W.I.P.

I do not know if you still read reviews and I suspect that you have given up on the W.I.P.

Your work gave me a lot of pleasure in reading it. Thank you!
Tuesday 26th May 2009 22:16Love Fool (Author Response)
I do read reviews. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed my stories!
keira azul
Saturday 20th May 2006 12:21
Love Fool
This is honestly one of the best H/G fics I have ever read (and I have read a lot ). Wonderful, keep up the good work.
Saturday 24th September 2005 21:11
Love Fool
Cute. I love everyone's characterization, really nicely done.
Thursday 14th April 2005 11:04
Love Fool

I just love 'Love Potion Gone Awry' stories.  They are usually quite hysterical.

I enjoyed how you have developed the story for now and so far the characters are in canon.  I really don't have any criticisms on your writing and I think you have done a great job so far.  Keep up the great work.



Tuesday 12th April 2005 19:49
Love Fool

Very expertly written. All of the characters are really quite canon! I like it a lot so far... Keep going! ; ) : D :)  

Tuesday 12th April 2005 10:26
Love Fool
You are off ti a good start, keep up the good work.
Tuesday 12th April 2005 08:26
Love Fool

I like the thought of Snape giving Harry the assignment to brew a love potion.  This ought to get interesting...

dave gerecke
Tuesday 12th April 2005 01:48
Love Fool
Seems good, Will want to look at some more chapters. dave
Monday 11th April 2005 18:16
Love Fool
Interesting beginning to Part 1.  Let's see what part 2 bring.    
Monday 11th April 2005 16:03
Love Fool
Ooo, tis great! I hope mine gets accepted!
Monday 11th April 2005 15:39
Love Fool

Ooh lovely beginning . . . and tantalizing little summary . . . I can't wait to see what happens next!

And Snape was nearly nice to Harry.  Interesting.

Penny Lane
Monday 11th April 2005 15:08
Love Fool

Oooooh, more please.

(This highly articulate, thoughtful review brought to you by Penny Lane.)

Monday 11th April 2005 12:57
Love Fool

What fun!  This is terrific!  I just love the starting paragraph -- could practically picture Allan Rickman acting it out on screen!   Anyhow, I didn't have a chance to read this during the fic-a-fest, so I'm really looking forward to following along on this here. 

Thanks for sharing it with us here at PS!

Monday 11th April 2005 12:04
Love Fool

Has to be a way to work this into HPDD.

Potter, have you absolutely no imagination?

-Makes you wonder to what lengths Snape went to get a date.

Colin now stood a couple of inches taller than Harry

-Hard to imagine.  Of course he probably wasn't starved during his younger years.

Not a bad start.  Hope you update HPDD soon!


Ima Quidditch Fan
Monday 11th April 2005 10:52
Love Fool

I think it is funny that Colin is now taller than Harry.  It is pretty clear that Harry likes Ginny - my guess she misses it?   I love the idea of Harry being forced to make a love potion.  It was very smooth of Snape to come up with an Aurors use for the potion. 

Interesting start, looking forward to more.
