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Reviews For Sunrise in Berenice by EtreEstRever

Friday 6th May 2005 20:16
Sunrise in Berenice

ooohh! please update soon! i was immediately caught by this story and it's one of the best one's i've ever read. please, please, PLEASE update soon!!


Thursday 5th May 2005 15:13
Sunrise in Berenice
Prologue (Author Response)Typically, if there aren't real reasons, that bugs me too. I hope you'll stick around to see the reasons.

--- Response ---

Don't worry, I'll be sticking around.  Atleast for a few more chapters ;)
Wednesday 4th May 2005 19:48
Sunrise in Berenice
Nice prologue...I can't wait to see more development. You kind of left us hanging with the "Ron not being able to fly," but it's relatively minor.  Update soon!
Wednesday 4th May 2005 22:21Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)

I'm debating on the true meaning of minor...depends, I guess. Won't say any more than that, and the next installment will be out soon.

Wednesday 4th May 2005 07:37
Sunrise in Berenice
Very good beginning.  I am excited to see what comes afterward.
Wednesday 4th May 2005 22:19Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)

Thanks, and I'm hope you like the next bit!

Tuesday 3rd May 2005 22:17
Sunrise in Berenice
I always have a problem with Harry disappearing off after finishing off Voldemort without talking to anyone.  Just seems really uncharacteristic.  But maybe there were more deeper reasons we'll find out later?

Looking forward to Harry meeting his old acquaintances.
Wednesday 4th May 2005 22:17Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)
Typically, if there aren't real reasons, that bugs me too. I hope you'll stick around to see the reasons.
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 20:55
Sunrise in Berenice
I like it so far.  Why is Harry back in England?  What are Ginny's books about that makes Harry not able to read them?  How come Ron can't fly?  And what about the rest of the Weasleys?  And why isn't Hermione working?  And why don't I just stop asking questions that will probably be answered in future chapters?  Okay.  So you've got me hooked.  Update soon please so I can get some answers.  :)
Wednesday 4th May 2005 22:16Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)

Questioning one, aren't you? That's good least, I hope it is, as that's what I spend about fifty percent of my day doing. Not all your answers will be answered in chapter one, but maybe a few...

Tuesday 3rd May 2005 18:14
Sunrise in Berenice
WOW, there will be fireworks comming with the Weasley temper. Good story, I can't wait for more.
Wednesday 4th May 2005 22:15Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)
There might be a few...*smiles a smile that could remind one of the Weasley twins...though no one compares to them*...Keep reading!
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 16:44
Sunrise in Berenice

I'm a little biased (hehe), but GREAT JOB!

Ball's in your court for the next chapter.  But you knew that already. :)

Your Faithful Beta

Wednesday 4th May 2005 22:12Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)
Who isn't slightly biased on one or two things? Glad you like it, though, as that might be a slight advantage.
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 14:20
Sunrise in Berenice
Ooh, you got me interested. I can't wait to see where you take this!
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 15:54Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)

Ooh, you got me interested. I can't wait to see where you take this!

Glad you're interested! I'll try to get chapter one up as soon as possible. That's where it really begins...


Muggle Witch
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 12:00
Sunrise in Berenice
This is a really good start. Update soon!
Tuesday 3rd May 2005 15:55Sunrise in Berenice (Author Response)

This is a really good start. Update soon!

Glad you're interested and it will be up ASAP!