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Reviews For Harry Potter: Metamorphosis by wvchemteach

Monday 24th September 2007 18:33
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
FINISH PLEASE! but it was fantastic otherwise
Tuesday 8th August 2006 14:33
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Now how's that for a glitch. My review disappeared and was replaced with one for another story . Anyway.
Go Molly -- put Snivellus in his place. I like the flashbacks as Molly reminisces; that works quite well in setting the story. I find Malfoys possession of Grimmaud Place implausible. There is no Black Family Trust that I recall in canon. But in canon Harry clearly inherits the property. And given that he is the heir, there is no way Malfoys can simply take possession. They might be able to push for the reading of the will, or, if that failed, keep anybody else from occupying the property. But more to the point. Given the Fidelius charm, how could they even remember the property?
Tuesday 8th August 2006 14:28
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Ooh, evil Snape , wishing ill of Harry ; I always thought Snape would change his tune if he truly knew what Harry had been through, (maybe not considering what he must have gleaned during occlumency "non-training"). Go Molly, put ole Snivellus in his place . Malfoys gaining possession of Grimmaud Place -- that's clearly wrong; Harry definitely gets Grimmaud Place in HBP (I know you're ignoring HBP; but I don't recall any Black Family Trust in OoTP) and Malfoys would not be able to take possession unless the will allowed them to. The most they could do would be to push for the reading of the will, or, if that failed, keep the building vacant until it was read. Besides, since its under the Fidelius charm, they wouldn't even remember it . Why would they stay at Grimmaud Place when they have Malfoy Manor? (unless perhaps to set a trap for Harry). So the sixty-four thousand dollar question: where has Harry been?
Good start. I liked the flash backs.
So Voldie is back , and a year early (Trelawney's prediction is in Book 3 but the dark ritual bringing Voldemort back doesn't take place till the end of the Triwizard Tournament in Book 4). And you didn't use Harry's blood, so that means Voldie can't touch Harry without a lot of pain. And I guess you'll be skipping the Tournament (no need for Crouch ala Moody to get Harry in as Voldie's already back). I wonder who the woman is, perhaps Amelia Bones (though she doesn't get killed off till Book 6); hopefully Umbridge (but she isn't a powerful witch and she's not exactly an enemy either). I like how you have Ginny taking care of Harry, making him go talk to Dumbledore .
Thursday 27th July 2006 19:13
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
That was really good. I like how Mrs. Weasley decribed everyone. Very good, and I am also very curious of where Harry was myself.
Monday 31st July 2006 17:26Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)
All I can say is we'll figure out more about what happened to before we find out the who and where of it.
Saturday 29th April 2006 21:51
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
*gasp* Amazingly written chapter! The summary just grabbed me and this chapter did not disappoint. Loved Molly's point of view...perfect for this. Can't wait to read more!
Monday 31st July 2006 17:27Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)
I was amazed at how well the Molly PoV worked for the opening. I will in a few cases jump PoV's, but primarily Harry is telling the story.
Saturday 29th April 2006 21:51
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
*gasp* Amazingly written chapter! The summary just grabbed me and this chapter did not disappoint. Loved Molly's point of view...perfect for this. Can't wait to read more!
Sunday 22nd May 2005 12:42
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Very good beginning.  I'm already hooked!  Don't keep us waiting for an update very long!  Great job!
Thursday 19th May 2005 18:37
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Very interesting beginning. I'm curious to see how this story will play out.

Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing
Shadow Hider
Wednesday 18th May 2005 21:57
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
^_^ amazing start, I'll watch for chapter 1!
Wednesday 18th May 2005 19:50
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
I love your story!!! Please try to update soon.: )
Wednesday 18th May 2005 15:09
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Right nice start.  Can't wait to see what you have planned.
Wednesday 18th May 2005 14:27
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
That is well good im eagly awaiting ur next installment !!!
Wednesday 18th May 2005 14:12
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis

Great story so far! It's really good to see something from Molly's PoV, and I really think you've got her spot-on  The only one she would trust to take care of Harry is herself  Now you'll just have to hurry up with the 2nd chapter! I can't wait for more, keep up the good work!


Tuesday 21st June 2005 19:17Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)

Chapter 1 is up...Chapters 2 and 3 should be up shortly..and Chapter 4 not long after that...hope you stay on board.

Wednesday 18th May 2005 05:51
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
An interesting beginning to a fic.  I especially enjoyed Molly's th0oughts on various matters.  A very nice insite into her character as protrayed in this fic.  Will this be primarily from her view point or will the viewpoints be switching around as the story progresses?  Keep up the nice work I look forward to seeing future chapters.
Tuesday 21st June 2005 19:16Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)
The PoV will be Harry during the chapters...although I plan to have interludes (similar to Heal the Pain) in which I'll be using varying PoVs. I just for some reason wanted to get inside Molly's head and see what she thought about everyone.
Wednesday 18th May 2005 01:35
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
I do wonder where he has been. I hope all will be revealed in the next chapter!
Tuesday 21st June 2005 19:14Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)
The mystery of where Harry has been will be one that isn't easily solved. But the results of his vanishing will be intriguing.
Tuesday 17th May 2005 21:51
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Nice cliffy there in the end.  Good start to the story.

Very intriguing beginning.  You've set up the story really well.  Molly's point of view in this chapter.  Is that going to be a theme throughout the story? 

Looking forward to the next chapter.  Hopefully you post soon.
Tuesday 21st June 2005 19:12Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)
The majority of the story is Harry's PoV...however interspersed will be interludes that come from other PoV's. I hope you enjoy the updates.
Tuesday 17th May 2005 19:38
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
hmm, sounds good so far. keep up the good work.
Tuesday 17th May 2005 14:23
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis
Goodness... you've got me hooked already. Looking forward to more!
Tuesday 17th May 2005 13:40
Harry Potter: Metamorphosis

Interesting.  I found it quite strange reading from the "Close to Molly Weasley" POV, rather than from one of the youngsters, but you do a good job conveying her anxiety and disturbance at Harry's disappearance.  It feels a little dissonant, which may put some readers off, but that seems to accurately match Molly's own sense of unease.


Tuesday 21st June 2005 19:11Harry Potter: Metamorphosis (Author Response)
I wanted to be able to set the tone for Harry's vanishing...but I didn't want to get inside the head of one of the kids...also using Molly allowed me to set the tone for the future H/G interactions that will come later.