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Reviews For Four in Time by Rosebeth

Tuesday 20th November 2007 17:26
Four in Time
haha nice! I love how James was like because we are family :p
Saturday 2nd September 2006 14:10
Four in Time
Oh so I see. And it's just like Harry to blow up at James. LoL. Very good so far.
Monday 29th May 2006 16:58
Four in Time
Cute! Love this, actually. The dialogue's rather cute...
Saturday 21st May 2005 07:55
Four in Time

Other than some things are moving along too freely without questions--especially Lily hugging Harry and things,   I really like the way you've set this up.  This is very promising.

Saturday 21st May 2005 03:45
Four in Time
Yay! Related to Gryffindor. I think they're all taking this very calmly.
Wednesday 25th May 2005 12:26Four in Time (Author Response)

They are all taking it calmly.  However, it's my hope that by 7th year they will develop better skills for dealing with crisis.  Deal with what needs to be dealt with and break down later.

Friday 20th May 2005 23:53
Four in Time

brilliant writing and beginning, Rosebeth =)
Friday 20th May 2005 22:18
Four in Time
I think I read this on another site :) Forgot which one now.  Good story.  Nice to see it on PS.
Wednesday 25th May 2005 12:28Four in Time (Author Response)

Thank you.