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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages by RdeHwyll

Tuesday 17th July 2007 09:00
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
Nice, are you going to continue this? Can't wait for the sequel of "Philtre of Promise"
Wednesday 9th August 2006 13:19
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
Nice scene with Harry whacking at the grass pretending its Bella, that's the sort of transference one might do in his situation . Mrs Figg tells Harry revenge isn't good and then turns around and wants to hex Dudders -- not quite consistent . Nice having Dudley turn into a pig . I like how you make the colors match the color of ink used . Nice seen with Tonks giving Harry (sisterly?) advice -- fits the clueless teen years about right .
Snooty little know-it-all by the name of… Weasell? Westley? Worstey? Somethin’ like that--Percy something. Ever ‘ear of him? Tall, skinny red-haired ? Reminds me sorta of your friend Ron
-- does Tonks really not know Percy is a Weasley or did she do that on purpose . "Vol--him" -- now Harry has never been one to hesitate to use his name . Only Harry would answer with such self-doubt. Good for Ginny to call him back .
Friday 21st July 2006 03:05
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
Firstly, Tonks isn't Hagrid! She doesn't speaek that way, which, if I may say, is a little hard to decifer.

Well, that's pretty much it really.
Friday 21st July 2006 06:36Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages (Author Response)
Firstly, Tonks isn't Hagrid! She doesn't speaek that way, which, if I may say, is a little hard to decifer.

Well, that's pretty much it really.

Call it artistic license -- her catchphrase of "Wotcher" always brought to mind that she was Cockney in her speech, and so i wrote it that way...
Sunday 16th July 2006 12:52
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
What a great start to the story, i think that its a bit fast for them to go out with each other, but I like it... keep up the good work.
Monday 12th June 2006 11:44
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
Great start to the story, and I can't wait to see what happens next in the story. Keep up the good work.
Sunday 4th June 2006 15:25
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
Harry is actually being emotional. I like it.
Thursday 24th November 2005 14:00
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
Sorry unfiNished.
Thursday 24th November 2005 13:59
Harry Potter and the Rampage of Ages
How can a "finished" fic,come after an unficished one? Is RoA complete or what is happening.I should like to know.