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Reviews For The Shattered Glass by Wild Magelet

Saturday 3rd November 2012 11:22
The Shattered Glass
Poor Dean
Monday 21st June 2010 10:13
The Shattered Glass
Poor Dean, but still funny!
Monday 26th May 2008 22:31
The Shattered Glass
I just read this for the first time, and it is delightful! Poor Dean!! I laughed out loud a couple of times. Thanks!
Sunday 20th January 2008 16:19
The Shattered Glass
huh interesting story. never thought about what dean was thinking...
Thursday 27th December 2007 18:56
The Shattered Glass
Very amusing. Poor Dean.
Saturday 13th October 2007 11:43
The Shattered Glass
Dean the tool to get harry set on true love. I really like that idea, loved the story for it.
Sunday 19th November 2006 12:24
The Shattered Glass
Quite funny from Dean's POV. I really enjoyed it.
Thursday 22nd June 2006 14:06
The Shattered Glass
Well...that's interesting. Wow. Very intriguing and cool!
Sunday 8th January 2006 14:51
The Shattered Glass
This made me laugh out loud - well done!
Sunday 11th December 2005 23:44
The Shattered Glass
Poor Dean! I like the characterization of Romilda and him, though. Oh, and  I love Luna!
Thursday 8th December 2005 18:35
The Shattered Glass

I really, really enjoyed this story - I feel so much for Dean (but not enough to stop Harry and Ginny!) - and I love Lavendar at the end: Friends. Please..." That's just wonderful! Beautifully written and immensely enjoyable, every part. Well done!

Thursday 8th September 2005 15:56
The Shattered Glass

That was THE funniest fic I have read in a long time. Your sense of humor is so JK-Rowlingish that I am still stunned and amazed by it. Excellent, excellent job. Three thumbs up!

I had tons of favorite lines, and this is just one of them:
<<Oh, Merlin... Dean eyed her warily. She didn't...fancy him, did she? Luna was a nice enough girl and all, but she was a bit, well...>>

Everyone was very in-character and the scene played out exactly as I envisioned it would. I loved the bit at the end when Dean sees Harry and Ginny out the window. *sigh* so romantic. Also, the ending part with Lavender was perfect.
Great job. Please write more soon!

Tuesday 6th September 2005 22:37
The Shattered Glass

"Bloody brilliant..."

Seriously, awesome job. I loved seeing my favorite scene from someone elses point of view. You should write one in Ginny's. I was always curious to see if it was meant to be just a hug or...? Brilliant job once more!

Friday 2nd September 2005 20:05
The Shattered Glass

I loved Dean's inner monologue.  I even laughed til I snorted!  Good Job!

Sunday 4th September 2005 20:33The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Lol, that happens to me all the time on PhoenixSong! Usually when there're other people around!  Thank you!
Friday 2nd September 2005 18:47
The Shattered Glass
oooh when you tell it this way, it makes me feel so sorry for Dean. Luna was quite amusing. I love her bit about a predetermined plot... This is very emotional.
Sunday 4th September 2005 20:31The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Thanks for reviewing! And reading!  I have to admit that I felt a bit sorry for Dean, too. He didn't come across as a completely bad character - just unfortunate enough to get between Harry and Ginny!
Friday 2nd September 2005 15:24
The Shattered Glass

Hahaha! This was great!! Absolutely, wonderfully, GREAT! I loved it. One shots are my favorite reads now adays. Especially post HBP fics. I am glad to read something from Dean's POV, and especially glad to read what was happening in the common room after H/G left it.

Nice touch having Luna there. She always seem to bring a sort of comedy relief in a corky kind of way. I love her character. You wrote her perfectly.

Two Thumbs Up!

Sunday 4th September 2005 20:30The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Thank you!  Your review totally made my day. I agree - I know the HP books aren't romance novels but I so wish she'd extended that scene a bit!  And I'm glad if Luna came across ok - I love her! You're right; bizarre as she is, she's the perfect relief from all the angst and drama!
Thursday 1st September 2005 16:36
The Shattered Glass
Nicely done! Your Dean seems right on and Luna is nicely in character, which is no easy feat. 
Sunday 4th September 2005 20:22The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Thank you! Coming from you, that means a lot. I love your stories. And tell me about it, lol. I never know what to make of her. I actually really like Luna, but she veers between kooky-smart and just plain bizarre!
Megan SQ
Thursday 1st September 2005 12:16
The Shattered Glass
Very nice alternate point of view. I think you have everyone's character pinpointed quite right, and I loved Luna's cameo.
Sunday 4th September 2005 20:21The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm really glad if everyone seemed in character at all; I always worry about that. And I'm really glad you liked the Luna bit! Not everyone did, but it was a kind of spur-of-the-moment guest appearance!
Thursday 1st September 2005 11:41
The Shattered Glass
*snickers*    Don't think I've ever read anything written from Dean's POV before... Very cool,  I like it a lot.  I especially liked his reaction to Luna being in the Gryffindor common room...  
Sunday 4th September 2005 20:19The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Thanks for reviewing! I'm really glad you liked it - I wasn't sure about trying to write something from Dean's POV. Yeah, I think he's the overlooked character, lol. He's basically in the way! But I have to admit that I don't dislike him the way I did Cho's character. At the very least,  he inspired some fabulous canon jealous!Harry!
Thursday 1st September 2005 10:51
The Shattered Glass

 Totally funny!  Poor Dean, he really didn't deserve that did he?  I loved Luna's comment about everything being pre-ordained!  I hope no H/Hr shippers encounter this story! 

Well done! 

Sunday 4th September 2005 20:17The Shattered Glass (Author Response)
Thank you!  Yeah, even being a die-hard H/G shipper, I have to admit that I feel a teeny bit sorry for Dean! I think it's because JKR didn't really show him doing anything hideously wrong. But the whole canon-world's gone H/G and everyone hates 'the other man', lol.