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Reviews For Always There for You by DeadlySecrets

Thursday 22nd June 2006 21:10
Always There for You
i like it
Monday 12th June 2006 19:57
Always There for You
Awww and forever! Its so cute and fluffy! And slightly.. Wary of the future eh? Great ficlet! Update soon!!
Monday 12th June 2006 11:10
Always There for You
A cute little story. I just wish Dumbledore didn't have to die to make their closeness a reality. Their reactions to the first kiss was cute and I'm glad they took the second chance to tell each other how they feel. Go Hermione!
Monday 12th June 2006 07:04
Always There for You
Short'n sweet.
Monday 13th March 2006 17:04
Always There for You
Ooh, that really was lovely! But oddly familiar... hmm... Do you have this story posted on the Sugarquill? Checkmated? Both? Cause I know I've read this before... I just want to know where...
Friday 21st July 2006 10:10Always There for You (Author Response)
Ooh, that really was lovely! But oddly familiar... hmm... Do you have this story posted on the Sugarquill? Checkmated? Both? Cause I know I've read this before... I just want to know where...

Yep, I have it posted on Checkmated!
Dawn Lionheart
Wednesday 28th September 2005 03:57
Always There for You
It's great! I think you've captured the character's personalities well.
Tuesday 27th September 2005 09:55
Always There for You
Very nice, it fits right in!  S.
Monday 26th September 2005 03:28
Always There for You
Well done, let's hope canon will keep up with it!
Saturday 24th September 2005 06:06
Always There for You
Very nice.