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Reviews For Miracles do Happen by x_Rose_x

Monday 21st January 2008 06:56
Miracles do Happen
nice story it is true though, usually what people prescribe you as is what you will become. slytherins are known to be slippery and usually turn into death eaters becuase of family and friends and the way that they are treated.... hope that makes sense :p
Friday 11th January 2008 16:37
Miracles do Happen
Nice! Thanks.
Wednesday 1st August 2007 13:47
Miracles do Happen
That was hillarius! As if this EVER will gonna happen!

Still great concept!

Kiss Kiss

Monday 11th December 2006 12:38
Miracles do Happen
Brilliant. I sometime wonder, like in that old Christmas story - It's a Wonderful Life, or something like that - how one thing we say or do in this lifetime will effect others now and in the future. Great pondering story. Thanks for writing!
Saturday 1st July 2006 13:04
Miracles do Happen
That was really good. And Harry tells the truth, even if it does hurt. And I like the way everyone was sitting together. I hope that could have happened in the Harry Potter books, but I know it never will.
Sunday 2nd July 2006 05:26Miracles do Happen (Author Response)
thank you. Oh you never know what JK has in store for us, maybe there will be a happy ending on that front.

Harry had to be honest about everything, cos he knows what it feels like to be kept in the dark. Sometimes the truth is not as bad as the things you imagine it might be when you don't know for sure.

Thanks for reading and reviewing,
Thursday 13th October 2005 17:09
Miracles do Happen
I like how you've managed to mature Harry so much.  Excellent work.  I also love how you wove Dumbledore's comments into Harry's explanations.  It was very well done, as also was the way Harry handled his class's questions.  Too cool.
Friday 14th October 2005 15:09Miracles do Happen (Author Response)
thank you for your kind words, I like dumbledores views on things, they seem to make things and topics that can be difficult to get your head around simple and seem as if they are things you have always known you just needed someone to say it the way he does, and pull it out. I guessed Harry would mature and had to just follow my instinct on how that would turn out, I think it's ended upi quite well.

thank you for reviewing!
Thursday 13th October 2005 05:46
Miracles do Happen
Very mature.
Thursday 13th October 2005 08:43Miracles do Happen (Author Response)
Thanks :)
Tuesday 11th October 2005 15:46
Miracles do Happen
Tuesday 11th October 2005 16:08Miracles do Happen (Author Response)
Thank you :)