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Reviews For The Favour by RinnaMarie

Thursday 11th May 2006 10:23
The Favour
Did it have to be Harrods?
Kinda cliched.
Liked the interplay between the two. And I loved the last chapter and how you made the scene change work very well. Harry couldn't breathe ... heh.

Loved the "changing" in the middle of the store. I just wish Ron wasn't THIS stupid, but ... hey, he can be, right?
Loved that last line. Famous last words. Reminds me of "Forget Paris"

Good work.
Thursday 27th April 2006 06:22
The Favour
Excellent last line there. Ok, must say this: Ron is adorable when he's bumbling. So cute! Very clever idea about the transfiguration of wizard clothes.
Monday 7th November 2005 07:42
The Favour
Ok, still interesting. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Wednesday 2nd November 2005 11:58
The Favour

Very good.


Shadow Hider
Tuesday 1st November 2005 14:09
The Favour