kopfsalat2000 Wednesday 5th October 2011 15:37 | Family Crisis |
Nice |
Wednesday 5th October 2011 22:06 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
Thanks for reading. Glad you liked the story. |
webster Wednesday 12th May 2010 08:03 | Family Crisis |
A very cute and touching interlude, I liked it! |
Wednesday 12th May 2010 08:11 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
I'm glad you did. Thanks for the review. |
pyromain Friday 5th October 2007 18:43 | Family Crisis |
always love these story's that add detail to the books, it feels like something JKR missed. |
Friday 5th October 2007 21:43 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
It's hard to put every little detail into a story, so some things must be left out. That's what makes writing fan fiction so fun... an author can add new dimention to a scene while sticking to the original parameters of the story. Thanks for reviewing. |
Delfino Monday 30th July 2007 18:07 | Family Crisis |
This was very sweet! I enjoyed it immensely. Please write more! |
Tuesday 31st July 2007 00:59 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked my story. Thank you for your thoughts. |
kensai Tuesday 15th May 2007 17:51 | Family Crisis |
Simply, good stuff! |
Tuesday 15th May 2007 22:58 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
hahaheeheehaha Saturday 24th March 2007 04:22 | Family Crisis |
I hope we don't have to get used to scenes like this. We've been lucky so far; no funerals...yet.
famous last words there
still no funerals but dumbledores at the end of the year and bill getting hurt by fenrir greyback ... the weasleys are very lucky arent they
but it is unrealistic to assume that a family of 9 (or 10 if you count harry) will survive the war without at least one casualty. on my part, i hope its percy
good story. i started by reading new year, new hope before realising it was a sequal so now im gonna read the prequel, but i saw this story as i was scrolling down so i decided to read it. all your stories that ive read so far are great so writing more would be good *hint hint* |
Saturday 24th March 2007 06:32 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
As I wrote that line, I was thinking about the same thing. However, if you consider where in HBP this missing moment is placed, Arthur is actually justified in hoping that there will not be deaths of people close to him. I have a feeling that he does have very a realistic view what will happen in this second war, but it is human nature to want to deny such things will happen or if they do, to want as little carnage as possible in one's own family. Arthur, after all, is human and I think he has a right to have hope. Don't you?
As for my two chaptered stories, they can either be read separately or together. There are very few references to 'You're Still You' in 'New Year, New Hope' so it won't be as if you *have* to read YSY before NYNH. Thanks for your review. |
Evelyn Monday 1st May 2006 03:05 | Family Crisis |
I loved Arthur using about five different spells just to make a cup of tea - muggle-style.
Your idea of life-debts, too, was very good... Got to ponder that some more... |
Friday 5th May 2006 14:02 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
Thank you for your review. I'm really glad you like the story. Of all the adults in the Harry Potter series I love Arthur for his quirkiness the best. He was decidedly fun to write because once I determined what he was going to be tinkering with the ideas just flow around him.
As for my theory on life-debts I thought long and hard about that, eventually coming to the conclusion proposed in the story. I'm glad my ideas are giving you something to ponder...that's high praise, indeed. |
Astrid Tuesday 21st March 2006 23:08 | Family Crisis |
I've always liked that passage, and you've elaborated it well. Good work. |
Wednesday 29th March 2006 09:52 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
Thank you for the review. That passage just caught my imagination making it easy to see it from Arthur and Molly's point of view. I'm glad you liked the story. |
mary-v Monday 20th March 2006 12:58 | Family Crisis |
*sigh* Very, very good. You had Mr and Mrs Weasley's characterization down pat. Just Great, great work.
~Maria~ |
Tuesday 21st March 2006 07:37 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
I'm very glad you like my story. It was easy to put myself in Arthur and Molly's shoes because I can't think of a more heart-wrenching thing than to discover that my own son was lying near death in a hospital bed. Thanks for your review. |
VirginiaGinny Wednesday 15th March 2006 14:15 | Family Crisis |
I, personly, think that this is one of the best Missing Moments fic. The way that Arthur and Molly revisitied certent moments in conection with this one made it stronger.
I aslo like Molly and Arthur's veiws on the pairs. |
Thursday 16th March 2006 06:06 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
I'm really glad you liked my story. Arthur, with his Muggle obsession, is fun to write and Molly's dislike of Fleur throughout most of HBP was fuel for the imagination. They're a shrewd pair and I have a feeling that once she calms down a little Molly would have remarked to Arthur that she noticed something going on with Harry and Ginny as well as Hermione's reaction to Ron's poisoning. Thanks for reviewing. |
Rocky235 Tuesday 14th March 2006 10:32 | Family Crisis |
I enjoyed that. It was a nice lenth. (I'm a greedy reader.)
Fleur's part was funny, a good characterization. |
Tuesday 14th March 2006 12:15 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked my story. I've become a connoseur of one-shots of late and find the relm of missing moments just up my alley. Fleur was lots of fun to write, so I'm glad you liked how I wrote her. Thanks for your review. |
critmo Tuesday 14th March 2006 09:31 | Family Crisis |
I also stumbled across this passage not too long ago. Luckily, I got a different idea. Thanks for the interesting read! |
Tuesday 14th March 2006 12:23 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked my story. I look forward to reading your story inspired by our mutually chosen passage whenever you are able to post it. Thank you for the review. |
EJH0904 Monday 13th March 2006 18:07 | Family Crisis |
Very nicely done. I love these little elaborations on canon! |
Tuesday 14th March 2006 08:07 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
Thanks for the review. Sometimes a scene in canon will grab me, like this one did, and get me to thinking what the other characters are are doing/thinking. I find it incredibly easy to write Arthur and Molly since I'm a parent myself. I'm glad you liked my story. |
Melindaleo Monday 13th March 2006 12:33 | Family Crisis |
What a nice look into the Weasley family dynamics. I always enjoy a story that tackles how the Weasleys feel about Harry, so I enjoyed this. I, too, see him as a bit lonely, and I can always picture him watching the family a bit wistfully.
It wasn't covered here, but I've often wondered if Molly would have sensed the change between Harry and Ginny in this scene. True, she might have just been too focused on Ron, but the text had something about he and Ginny going over and over the events all day. Molly's eyes are pretty sharp, so I can't help but wonder if she would have picked something up there.
Anyway, nicely done. Your characterization was spot on. |
Tuesday 14th March 2006 08:24 | Family Crisis (Author Response) |
Thank you for your kind words. I actually did consider having Molly notice a change in the dynamics between Harry and Ginny, but since most of that section of the story was in Arthur's point of view I decided to leave her observations out. Besides, Harry and Ginny don't become an 'item' for another month or six weeks in canon, so the changes in their relationship would have to be quite subtle and rather hard to pick up on. I'm glad you liked the story. |