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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Torch of Caelum by Shamrock Holmes

Tuesday 3rd May 2005 22:42
Harry Potter and the Torch of Caelum
Harry is guest teaching.
And I like the fact that Neville is good at something other than herbology.
GOod work.
Friday 11th June 2004 08:03
Harry Potter and the Torch of Caelum
This story is really good. I think JK Rowling has some really tough competition. I think she should just release her copyright on the HP series and let you all take the lead. It would be interesting to see.
Friday 11th June 2004 08:03
Harry Potter and the Torch of Caelum
This story is really good. I think JK Rowling has some really tough competition. I think she should just release her copyright on the HP series and let you all take the lead. It would be interesting to see.