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Reviews For A Harry Potter Sing-Along by Delani

Saturday 20th September 2008 23:46
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
Ha ha ha ha!!! lol! This is so funny. Please continue this sing a long. You could do Draco, Harry, Ginny, Sirus, Remus, Dumbledore, All the other weasleys.... The possibilities are endless

You could even have people leave comments and vote for there favorite singer!

Sorry about all the smileys i just feel sometimes a review isn't satisfactory
with out them. *Grins sheeplishy*
Saturday 20th September 2008 23:41
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
Ha ha ha ha!!! lol! This is so funny. Please continue this sing a long. You could do Draco, Harry, Ginny, Sirus, Remus, Dumbledore, All the other weasleys.... The possibilities are endless

You could even have people leave comments and vote for there favorite singer!
Monday 6th November 2006 21:26
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
Oh goodness!! A friend gave me a link to this FF, and I was kind of hesitant, but once i read the first paragraph, I was already on the floor, laughing. I don't often read humor fics, because many of them are poorly written, BUT THIS ONE WAS AWESOME!! Perfect song, perfect lyrics, PERFECT CHARACTERS! I can only imagine how fun it was to write this, lol. So in all, 13/10
Saturday 16th December 2006 15:32A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)

Oh go, please, and on behalf of me, hug that dear friend! lol. People are referring me? No, my friend,*you* are a 13 out of 10!!!

Wednesday 26th July 2006 16:18
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
Oh. Oh wow. That was beautiful. *wipes away tear* Yes.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Times about 37, maybe. Had to get that out. Wow, you are wonderful, ya know? These images will be with me always; I'll never be able to read a scene with any of them again without laughing, which would be really out of place considering who they are. But yes, it was SPECTAMAZING!! I'm glad you're back because angst is lovely but outrageous singing parodies will always be number one in my heart.
Saturday 16th December 2006 15:34A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)

Oh, lol, thank you! Outrageous singing parodies, while high up there, are not as beloved by me as wonderful reviews such as yours!! Thank you thank you. Times about 38, maybe.

Tuesday 25th July 2006 10:37
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
What a funny story! I really think that your story is one-of-a-kind! You wrote it really well to!
Saturday 22nd July 2006 19:34
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
erm ... that was ... odd?

Cute idea though, and i must admit, the choice of some was rather amusing for lucius. Perhaps "Seven Deadly Virtues" from Camelot might be more appropriate?

Very funny, well done!
Saturday 22nd July 2006 02:58
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
Oh no! Such a pleasing wand - um, that line just made me wretch! (in a good way, of course! ) Delightfully naughty and hilarious! Although I did expect to see Gilderoy pop his head up at some point - never mind, Bella more than made up for his absence!!
Saturday 22nd July 2006 11:22A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)
Gilderoy, you say? *raises eyeborw* Now that's got me going...for the moment, perhaps you should check out Parodies Galore, he popped up in there somewhere...
Thanks for the review, I know, some of the things I write are more disturbing than a screaming book...

Wednesday 19th July 2006 21:19
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
YOU'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!*bursts into tears of joy* (ok maybe not)
Either way... WOOOT!! you are the definition of funy and hysterical and everything that is good in this world!! I really loved this and you are simply amazing!!!!

Saturday 22nd July 2006 11:20A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)
*claps fiendishly* Oh I do love a good fan who just got an update! You're review has made me chuckle and blush; well done! I haven't actually *cringes* started the next one, but you've got me going now! Thanks for the visit!

Wednesday 19th July 2006 18:49
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
XD I can't stop giggling. This is great!
Wednesday 19th July 2006 18:16
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
I have just picked myself off the floor from laughing. That may be the funniest piece of FF I've ever read. My God, you are hilarious. Bravo!!
The ending was fantastic. Oh please, please write more. I loved it.

Saturday 22nd July 2006 11:18A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)
I do enjoy being silly. You've no idea how thrilling it is so see the writer of pieces *I* absolutely adore enjoying my work. If I can make the writer of that infamous knight scene laugh, I'm content. Thanks for the visit!

Wednesday 19th July 2006 16:50
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
LOL!!!! Welcome back!!!!! I had to shudder at the frisky line >_< not a thought I need. Oh well it's good to have you back!!!
Saturday 22nd July 2006 11:16A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)
Ahh, PugPal, how I've missed your reviews! I forgot how wonderful it is to see familiar readers! Thanks for the visit!

Tuesday 18th July 2006 23:58
A Harry Potter Sing-Along
You've got me running for my well-practiced copy of of West Side Story, my computer printer and my piano light! You had me smiling and giggling from the start with the first stanza. Welcome back! I look forward to your next chapter as much as I did your Parodies Galore.

Wednesday 19th July 2006 00:33A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Author Response)