mutt n feathers Wednesday 29th July 2009 17:04 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Again, impressive how well you predicted what would happen, and then gave it your own twist.
I was struck by the poignency of Harry's viceral reaction to Dobby telling him that he would die for him. Harry is so reluctant to take on the mantel of a leader.
Excellent chapter, I am so very impressed.
Mutt |
gymnastgal19 Friday 7th March 2008 07:01 | The Seventh Horcrux |
wow... that was interesting....
i hope that ginny gets out ok....
why doesnt harry speak parsletongue....
tsujton Sunday 2nd September 2007 14:28 | The Seventh Horcrux |
At the risk of being redundant: Oh. My. Goddess. This is good! |
Vicki Monday 21st May 2007 01:02 | The Seventh Horcrux |
malfoy friends with a muggleborn |
siobh007 Thursday 11th January 2007 13:00 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Interesting task in order to destroy the horcrux... It reminds me of the video games I use to play (okay...I'll admit I still do!!!:rolleyes where whe had to fight an invisible opponent!! |
lacyrachil Friday 24th November 2006 11:28 | The Seventh Horcrux |
That's just not cool. They have to find a way to get that thing away from Ginny. Great job in using some of the original JKR ideas to strengthen your plot |
Wolf's Scream Monday 18th September 2006 22:37 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow! Well done! [Hope the move is going/has gone well. Sorry I hadn't been reading lately -- problems with my laptop.] |
iloveyoukarineh Sunday 17th September 2006 18:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
when untill the next update?? i dont think i can wait |
GemmaM Sunday 17th September 2006 00:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow, I really hate you right now. Why do you leave us hanging like this. Oh the torture.... I hat you, I hate you, I hate you. Okay, so not really. I can't wait for the next chapter I hope Ginny is okay because she is my favorite. I don't think that you would do that to Harry though, so I am pretty sure that she will be okay. Alright, so... when is the next one? Hurry please!!! I need something to distract me from my stupid homework. Why I am taking two 4000 level courses this semester, I have no idea.... Well. Can't wait Mel! |
Felix Felicis Friday 15th September 2006 15:58 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I continue to enjoy your writing. Your creativity keeps the reader interested and not knowing what to expect next. I like that you have taken the idea of Harry as the seventh Horcrux and really made it the central feeling of the story, especially now in the later chapters. His struggles to write goodbye letters show his increasing maturity but also his fear of leaving them.
Sorry I haven't reviewed the last few chapters but RL has been getting the better of me. Know that I always get excited when I see the email announcing an update to this story! I can't wait for the end because things are really starting to get crazy now. |
Friday 15th September 2006 20:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I"m so glad so many reviewers have been commenting on those letters. My original idea was to start different chapters with attempts at the letters, but I think it worked better this way.
Thanks for taking the time to let me know you're still around! I appreciate that. |
Wandrin_Dreamer Friday 15th September 2006 14:04 | The Seventh Horcrux |
*mutters* "Bloody Cliff hangers"
Excellent job though. You have a knack for writing action. You have all the suspence, all the blood and gore, and pain, without making it obscene or 'perverted'. That is a very rare talent in the fanfic realm.
I also enjoy the way you balance the fluff, action and angst. It helps make it a compelling and enjoyable read. You keep the story moving at a good pace.
I am really enjoying this story. I can't wait for more updates.
Hope your move goes well. |
Friday 15th September 2006 20:12 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks! One of my prebetas told me I should be very afraid if I'm ever in an alternate universe and come across the dark side of my personality, lol!
Thanks for the luck with the move - I think it's going to kill me! |
critmo Friday 15th September 2006 08:10 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I do hope that Harry will remember that he can speak parseltongue. There must be an advantage for having part of old snakey inside. |
Friday 15th September 2006 20:04 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - he just needs to get a grip - he's panicking. Ron and Hermione are there to help him keep his head. |
kcheled Friday 15th September 2006 03:24 | The Seventh Horcrux |
seriously melinda, you find more twists and turns and obscure items to pull together and bring about one HECK of a story. . . dang, it's really amazing. are you sure your name isn't Joanne Kathleen? seriously! |
Friday 15th September 2006 20:03 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh - I wish! Thanks much though, that's very flattering. I'm throroughly enjoying playing in her sandbox. |
gwenstarr Thursday 14th September 2006 23:43 | The Seventh Horcrux |
good chapter! stupid cliffy!
anxiously awaiting the next!
~gwen |
Friday 15th September 2006 20:02 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, thanks! I promise there's no cliffy in the next one |
DeborahSu Thursday 14th September 2006 17:11 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Why on earth has Harry not tried to simply SPEAK to this snake?!?!?! I know, I know ... he panicked and will figure out the obvious ... in the next chapter ... or something?
I hope your move goes smoothly--that's one of my most hated things, though I've done it often enough that I can practically pack in my sleep! LOL! |
Thursday 14th September 2006 17:24 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, give poor Harry a break, lol. He's feeling completely out of sorts - and it's not like he's used Parseltongue in the past few years, is it? He'd have trouble telling you his own name at the moment.
Thanks for the well wishes on the move. Urgh! I hate packing - and I'll have to do it all again in a few months. We're relocating while some renovations are being done to our home. Construction begins in about a week and a half. |
Summer Daisy Thursday 14th September 2006 16:37 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh my goodness.
Poor Harry, he really is having a hard time ... I\'m pretty sure you wouldn\'t kill him off after all this!!
It\'s a nice theory anyway. You\'re the one with all the power.
xox |
Thursday 14th September 2006 17:22 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh - oh, no! Don't tell me I've got power - that'll go straight to my head! I certainly don't feel a lot of it here with the kids, lol. Heh - I'm glad you're enjoying it. |
jenny the melindaleo fan Thursday 14th September 2006 14:56 | The Seventh Horcrux |
oh nice cliffie im not sure why i enjoy those but still. |
Thursday 14th September 2006 17:21 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Wow! That's some compliement of a screen name, lol. I don't even know what to say! |
jenny the melindaleo fan Thursday 14th September 2006 13:42 | The Seventh Horcrux |
hi melinda ive really enjoyed this chapter!!!!!!!!!! |
Chelle0475 Thursday 14th September 2006 13:08 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Yippee!! I wasn't expecting an update yet!
I really hate cliffhangers. I really do, but you do them well! I can understand why Harry wouldn't remember right away he is a parsletongue, I'm a nurse, but when my daughter choked...I froze. You forget stuff in crisis, and panic!
I really want Pansy to get hit with something hard and heavy. Possible a marble bust or suit of armor! I really don't like her very much.
Keep up the good work!!
Thursday 14th September 2006 17:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Yes! You're exactly right in Harry's reaction - we've all felt those moments of panic that override rational thought. It's not like he's used Parseltongue in the past few years, either! |
anniep Thursday 14th September 2006 10:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
What a pleasant surprise to see that you posted early—I wasn’t looking for an update that soon! I love how you incorporate details from HBP into your story. I was smiling in recognition at your description of the Room of Requirement and the items in there. (“How do you remember all that detail stuff?” asks my family. “No one else does.” Now I can tell them that you do, too!) Of course the room would become like a cathedral when the horcrux was activated—well, from JKR’s description (Sectumsempra chapter) it seems obvious.
I’ve been suspicious of Pansy ever since Harry ran into her in the owlery. Draco knows he’s dead if Voldemort finds him, but Pansy is naïve enough to think that she can barter for Draco’s life. I think that she wouldn’t give a second thought to betraying Harry or any of the Order to Voldemort to meet her goal of saving Draco.
The adults in JKR’s world can be so irritating. Arthur and Minerva knew that the kids were outside the gates, yet no one in the Order seemed to be watching out for their return. The kids almost always come back injured and I know I would have posted myself at the gate since that’s the only way back in to safety. (Yes, I know this is your story and not hers, but you’ve done a great job of inhabiting her world and keeping her characters acting as in canon.) |
Thursday 14th September 2006 17:16 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you got a nice surprise (even happier that you think it's nice!) and that you could recognize the references from HBP. As for Arthur and Minerva - to be fair - Harry and the others never said they'd be back that day. That was one of the aspects of their arrangement - that Harry had to be allowed to move about to do what he had to do unhindered. |
aschowin Thursday 14th September 2006 08:29 | The Seventh Horcrux |
What a terrible way to leave us at the end of the chapter! Now I wish I waited for you next update before I read this chapter, at least then I wouldn't have to wait so anxiously to find out what happens. Really though, great chapter, I loved the emotion that Harry is fighting with. Of course, the action has also been very entertaining. Anyway, well done. I hope that you will post an update soon for us though. |
Thursday 14th September 2006 17:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you can appreciate the internal struggle Harry is going through as all the other stuff takes place. He's beginning to fell a "dead man walking" kind of thing. |
hp4-sauce Wednesday 13th September 2006 22:42 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great action but a cruel cliffhanger to leave us with! |
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:12 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh - you know I enjoy my cliffies! |
legobean Wednesday 13th September 2006 21:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey nobody we love died this chapter, at least not yet. All in all that makes it a good chapter. Score one for the good guys! Hang in there Ginny, Harry will eventually remember he why he can get the snake off your head.
We need more drunk Harry and more Hedwig, and can we get a betrayal by the Dursleys? A little if you spare us we will give you Harry action? |
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:16 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Ha Ha! Nope, no one died, lol. As for some Harry action - what about the battle he just had with the invisible spider? |
melray1228 Wednesday 13th September 2006 19:48 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Brilliant! Wonderful! Definitely worth waiting for!
The connection with the lightning bolts is fairly impressive. I don't think that I would have thought of that.
Dudley and Draco - now that's a scary pair. Two people that enjoy tormenting Harry becoming good pals. Hmm, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I guess this would be the perfect example of that.
An invisible spider - that's going to give Ron nightmares for years to come!
Thanks for bringing Dobby back again. He can be so annoying sometimes, but I love his character!
Until next time. . . |
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you see the possibilities with the lightning bolt marks - JKR did say Harry's scar is important, so I can't help but wonder...
You're right on with Dudley and Draco and why they would connect. Besides needed a friend in there, and I think Dudley would be a good candidate for Slytherin. |
KJPotter Wednesday 13th September 2006 19:38 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh, Melinda! What a fabulous chapter! You had me in tears! I loved the little interaction between him and Dobby. I don’t think Harry fully realizes how very important he is to SO many people and creatures, more important alive than dead. I don’t think he realizes how many people would gladly lay down their own lives for him. Oh, Harry! You need to stop pushing away hope and embrace it. Hope is almost as powerful as love, it! Speaking of hope, I cried when I read about his dream. Such a beautiful, bittersweet image to haunt his dreams!
I love the lightning bolt connection amongst the horcruxes, and that the scar remains even after the bit of soul is removed. It means Harry will always bear his scar, assuming he lives. Speaking of horcruxes, I LOVE what you did with the tiara horcrux. I feel confident that the tiara in canon will be a horcrux, but your making it a torture device combined with a portkey is pure genius. I just wish Harry would remember he is a parseltongue. I mean, I know he has only really used it 3, maybe 4 times max, so it is quite understandable that he forgets about it. (Plus, the times he has used it I’m sure that he’s WANTED to forget about: the time he let the boa constrictor out and got punished for; the time he was “outed” as a parseltongue in front of the whole school and the time he opened the Chamber of Secrets and was nearly killed…yeah, he would definitely want to forget about that little feature of his personality…)
Anyway, I just think your story is absolutely awesome, and with the exception of the whole Umbridge as minister and Dudley as wizard thing, I think your story is quite close to canon. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Rowling took a leaf out of your book and stole some of your ideas…
Thank you for the entertainment and I look forward to the next update! Please update asap. Thanks!
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:25 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm happy you like the scar idea - and yes, it does mean Harry will always bear his scar. I can't see how it would really disappear, anyway, since its a part of him, now, and since the ring still had it - I went from there. Harry is freaking out right now - understandably - and still high on the adrenaline rush from fighting the spider. Give him a few minutes to pull it together I'm thrilled you're enjoying it - and I'm working on the next one. |
hpiknut Wednesday 13th September 2006 18:02 | The Seventh Horcrux |
OMG!!! This was the best chapter yet! I'll be on the edge of my seat until your next update! You know, I thought of that room full of hidden stuff coming back into play in the future while reading HBP. Cool use of it! Man, that last scene was scary!
And when Harry told them his plans to go with Voldemort behind the Veil - how sad!
Moody and Poppy!!! Shocking! |
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:20 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Hee - I like Moody and Poppy, heh. I'm thoroughly enjoying the reactions they're getting, though. I'm glad you enjoyed it. | Wednesday 13th September 2006 17:26 | The Seventh Horcrux |
*kicks feet like a small child* This cliffie is even worse than the last one! *cries*
I don't know what to say! This part just made me fall apart.
“We have to try! I don’t care if my only job turns out to be reminding Harry that he’s not alone in this world. If that’s what it takes, that’s what I’m going to do.”
I always have to have some kind of mood music for these chapters now. It makes it even better than it already is! Dangerous sounding music, sad sounding music, happy sounding music...Whatever it takes....It's really fun to listen to music that fits the scene.
Unless the scene makes you cry, then the sad music will make it even sadder and that's just pure torture.
I want to read the next chapter so very badly!!!
~Anni |
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:17 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Ooh, I like the idea of mood music. What do you listen to when reading this story? Do you have any recommendations for us? |
daniel_r_crazy22 Wednesday 13th September 2006 17:17 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh no! This is not good. Not at all. A very good chapter none the less. And I think that the tiara was a very good idea. And how is that snake going to get off her. Hmm. Can't wait for more! |
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - yes that snake is troublesome. Harry just needs to calm down a bit and rethink some events from his past |
The Lucky One Wednesday 13th September 2006 16:03 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Ah, good chapter! Thanks for getting it out so soon.
I hope your move is going well, though. It's probably quite hard, updating and moving, finding time to write in between....
Poor Gin. I hope she ends up getting out OK (I'm sure she will. ) Harry's going to go crazy with all of this! I loved the lightening bolt idea, and the tiara was fabulous! I never would've thought.... Good job there!
Thursday 14th September 2006 06:11 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks much! The move is slowly driving me insane. The worse part is - we'll have to do it again in about 3 months when the renovations on our home are complete. Bleck. |
claireanne1234 Wednesday 13th September 2006 15:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh my god more as soon as you can pleas the suspence is killing me. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 15:34 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - thanks! |
Bagelz Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:54 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Very nice cliffy ... nice work by Potter with the drapes and the spider. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 15:34 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks much - I do like my cliffies. |
gildedlily Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Awesome and thrilling!!! cant wait for the next chapter though. please update soon!! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:50 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. |
Jake Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:23 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great chapter, I'm sorry I havent been reviewing as frequently. The story is just as amazing but I keep only getting to my fanfics late at night so I read them and go to sleep. The story is wonderful, I liked the relationship between Harry's scar and Gaunt's ring. Keep up the amazing work and I hope your move goes smoothly!
-Jake |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:54 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hey! Good to hear from you, again! I'm glad to hear you're still around and enjoying it. I hope this move goes smoothly, too! It's no fun! |
Illjwamh Wednesday 13th September 2006 13:15 | The Seventh Horcrux |
That was a great one. It was one of those big "Ah-HA!" chapters that are so much fun to read.
Harry always seems to forget he's a parselmouth at the most inconvenient times, doesn't he? |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:56 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Yes, Harry did momentarily forget - but he's feeling a bit stressed at the moment. Give him a little bit of time to work it out, he'll get there |
Gioia Wednesday 13th September 2006 13:10 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Lordy, that fight scene with the invisible spider was horrible and gripping and absolutely freaking terrifying!
I'm very suspicious of Pansy and what she's doing. The fact that she didn't even tell Draco that night Ginny overheard them is rather alarming. That would tend to make one think she's striking a deal with the devil, as Ginny theorized.
Thanks for the update! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:57 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee, thanks! absolutely freaking terrifying is very good indeed! Just one thing, though - Pansy didn't know that Ginny overheard them. She never saw that Harry and GInny were there. |
Bella Wednesday 13th September 2006 12:29 | The Seventh Horcrux |
So, I've been following this story from the beginning and I always swear I'll write a review someday - and that day is today, my friend.
I enjoy reading your work so much because you have the same ability as JKR: you subtly weave hints and links together so that the end result is something we should have seen coming but didn't (and are thus surprised). This chapter, however, takes the cake, in my humble opinion. I would really love to know how you figured out the connection with the tiara. Were you looking through the book, desperate for an idea for the sixth horcrux, and you stumbled upon the hints JKR dropped - first personal (Auntie Muriel's tiara), then later with Harry (in the room of requirement when he was hiding the book) and then Rowena Ravenclaw - and said, "Aha!" It might not seem like too big of a deal to some, but it is something I would never have connected.
And that is why I love this story and you.
Bella |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 15:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Well - lucky day for me! Thanks so much for taking the time to give me your thoughts - I really do enjoy hearing them. I'm delighted to hear you're seeing the hints at the end, but no much as they are woven throughout. That thrills me! Thanks very much. |
hedwig5221 Wednesday 13th September 2006 11:58 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This story gets better and better...can't wait for the next chapter! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 15:17 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much! |
EvieMarie Wednesday 13th September 2006 11:20 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Is that tiara thing canon? That's so cool if it is, I'm going to check my book again! Oh gosh. Why cliffhanger, why? I get the feeling this fic is close to finishing, is it? Wonderful wonderful job, though. I'm on the edge of my seat! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 15:03 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Yes, Harry did put the tiara on top of the statue in canon - the rest is just speculation. The story still has 9 chapters left, so we're getting nearer the end, but we're not there yet |
Domain Wednesday 13th September 2006 11:00 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Another interesting chapter!
The tiara is a surprise. Well done!
And you really enjoy cliffies!
An extra: Dobby! My dear Dobby! One thing I can say - Dobby is someone who loves Harry Potter unconditionally. He is one of my favourite characters! And I think that he still has a role to play in the seventh book.
Ron and Hermione were more close to Canon this time. Good work!
And Ginny is still... Ginny. And that is saying something
May the Gods of Literature always inspire you!
Domain (A K A Dome 36) |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:55 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks much! I'm glad you were happy with Ron and Hermione. Their roles will continue throughout the end - I can't imagine it would end without them |
thisgrlrox Wednesday 13th September 2006 10:59 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I'm going to go with the knowledge that Ginny is one of your favorites, like mine, and you won't kill her. That will keep me until the next update. You are evil though! That being said, this was yet another chapter where I could really see some things happening in book 7. I think the room where Harry hid his book will have some significance in the final book. Just like with the locket in OoTP, I think something of importance resides in there. As always, you've done a wonderful job of keeping everyone within character. I understand that is hard to do, so give yourself a big pat on the back from me.
I appreciate the speed with which you and your beta get the chapters up. We all get bogged down by RL sometimes and I appreciate the fact that you're commited to the story. I'll take updates whenever I can get them and be happy. Don't worry about it! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 14:52 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
- I love it when reviewers call me evil, lol! Thanks so very much for the lack of pressure - I do appreciate that, and I'm glad you're both enjoying it as fun, but also finding it plausible. |
mary-v Wednesday 13th September 2006 09:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
And I forgot to mention (Lucky you! Two reviews, one full of ranting, the other of compliments! lol)
Ginny and Auntie Muriel's tiara.... OH THE IRONY! Brilliant. Honestly things like that make you the type of person worthy of a JK Rowling-write-a-like award. If they existed. Honestly though, I think the biggest reason I'm so affected by this fic is because of how similar it is to Harry Potter canon! The only thing that reminds me that these aren't the books (aside fron the fact that this is fanfiction) is the fatc that you are using the whole Harry-is-a-Horcrux ploy... which thankfully dear Jo shut down. (And then she turns around and starts telling us anyone important and that we love is going to be killed off. I swear sometmes I want to kill her, sometimes I just want to worship her!)
And when he was writing that letter to Ginny.... and the scene before that, when you expressed the friendship and love between the four of them... really just was so beautiful and tear-inducing!
Wonderful work! Amazing!!!!
(I think I'm done now! Sorry for spamming you with two reviews! I'll try to not make it happen again!) |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 09:53 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hang on - whoa! Hold it! Hold everything! Exactly WHEN did JKR shut down the Harry is a Horcrux idea? I know she did the Ginny idea in the Mugglenet interview, but I've never seen her outright deny Harry. Nope - come on, Maria - you're the law student - give me some facts to back that up, girl
And secondly - never, ever, think you're spamming. I ADORE hearing from you all. It really is what makes all this worth it. I love to read the reactions, and the emotional ones are the best |
mary-v Wednesday 13th September 2006 09:15 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I'm crying now, thanks to you! How can you spring such an emotionally trying chapter on us without even the slightest warning!!! I haven't felt this depressed since Dumbledore died, and now I have to go and study for my law exam. How will I do that with blurry eyes eh?? Ok well I'm not that depressed, to tell you the truth.... but I'm not really feeling too hopeful... I mean usually you leave us with cliffies that make it seem as if whoever's in danger might survive... but now you have this great dirty snake that's attached itself to Ginny's head, and is slowly killing her.... by poisoning her! you are a cruel, cruel person.
Well I think that's enough berating you for practically killing off Ginny. Which will obviously kill Harry in turn, because that's just cruel.
Wonderful, wonderful, it can never be repeated enough times, wonderful work! I really can't wait for the update!
Maria |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 09:49 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, so sorry to upset you, lol! Just hang in there, there are still 9 more chapters and lots of story to go. Go study for your exam and let me worry about Ginny! I've written myself into corners plenty of times before |
Grandma Kate Wednesday 13th September 2006 08:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This is an engrossing story. It's so full of clues and symbolism. And your characters are spot on.
Please don't kill Ginny, especially with the original of Auntie Muriel's tiara. That is a trifle too ironic. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 09:48 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - I'm glad you're enjoying it - still plenty more to come, so hang in there. |
swngnblues Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:23 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Another great chapter! I had completely forgotten about the tiara in the RoR in HBP.... interesting thought. I think you're maybe the 2nd or 3rd person to think that Ravenclaw's item was the tiara (or Auntie Muriel's tiara). The ice fortress is an interesting thought as well.
Hopefully - won't have to wait too long to get rid of this cliffie! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:34 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I did notice that a tiara was mentioned several times during HBP, so I thought it was a possibility. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. |
Arnel Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I just knew Ginny's luck had to run out sometime! I bet it's no coincidence that a snake had to choose her because of her past involvement with Voldemort. I have every confidence that your campaigne for "Let Harry Live" will be reflected in the next chapter with "Let Ginny Live!"
I really loved how supportive Ron, Hermione and Ginny are of Harry in this chapter. Your characterization of his reluctance to rely on them fully, to trust them thorough and without reservation, is so typical canon-Harry. You've done a wonderful job of showing his true personality.
As for his giving up on life to save the Wizarding World, I can't begin to imagine how hard saying good-bye to Ginny and the others is for Harry. I really do hope he can abide by the restrictions his friends have put on his knowledge of their plan as they have with his own private planning.
Excellent chapter...looking forward to the next one. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:37 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee! Thanks, and you were right - Ginny's luck did have to run out. She couldnt' get through the whole thing unscathed, could she? I'm DELIGHTED to hear you think Harry's in-character. That just makes my day. |
DanAngelus Wednesday 13th September 2006 06:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Another cliffhanger indeed.. and a good one at that! I hope survives... she's my favourite female character! I really thought that would have been captured by what happened at the end of the last chapter, it was just good that got to him in time! I half expected to be in Hogsmead looking for them. Anyways another great chapter! I like Hermiones ideas about keeping Harry in the dark.. but it must be killing him not knowing what's going on! (no pun intended) |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:39 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Everyone seemed to think Harry would be captured - and quite a few of you seemed to want that, lol. Hang on though, Voldemort's been quiet, but that's never a good sign |
Mrs Black Wednesday 13th September 2006 06:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I must say you are truely evil !!! lol. You remind me of why I only read completed fic's. The story is really fantastic and the writing draws you in. I can't wait to see what you have in store next. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:44 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - I've been accused of being evil before - but truly, I only write that way!
I'm honored you're putting up with the wait if you usually only read completed works. There are 9 chapters left to come. |
UTChick Wednesday 13th September 2006 06:23 | The Seventh Horcrux |
ARGGHH!! You have me all over the emotional spectrum - crying while Harry wrote the letter to Ginny, agony over Ginny\'s predicament in the ice palace. What a roller coaster! I love it!!
Mad-eye & Madam Pomfrey - that\'s just seems wrong! LOL! Enjoyed the scene with Draco & Dudley - but knowing you - that wasn\'t just a peek into the life of the two gits. What devious plot do you have in mind with them? I know it\'ll be fun.
I truly don\'t know how you write & try to move a family, too. You amaze me. I\'d be so overwhelmed in the same position. As much as we love the updates -don\'t stress yourself out. Having just gotten over a year\'s move (my hubby got a new job & it took us almost a year to make the transition), I do know how trying the ordeal is. Good luck & may your move go as smoothly as possible.
I love the story - it always makes my day when I find an update - but take care of yourself first!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful, creative mind - it\'s a joy! |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:46 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I love the idea of Moody and Poppy, lol. Just because they're older doesn't mean they're dead
As for the move - it's killing me, lol. Writing this thing is saving my sanity. Unfortunately, I feel like the only time I'm able to do it anymore is when I'm supposed to be sleeping! Still, I want as much done before we go, because I think it will be harder while we're living in transit. Thanks so much for the kind words - and particularly the patience. That seems very rare these days, and I truly appreciate it. |
juliet Wednesday 13th September 2006 05:55 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Sherylyn, thanks for the superquick beta and update!
Melinda, remember when I said last review that I had a lot to think about. I got around to thinking about Horcruxes and that so far, they seem to be something that was able to be worn or carried with you- necklace, ring and diary. Which then got me to wondering what other things could be a horcrux.
And then you write about the tiara. And tiaras were twice in HBP....hmm.
On another note, if you kill Ginny off I will be severely disappointed in you! I don't think you will, but you are full of surprises.
Good luck with the move. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:43 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - thanks much. This move is killing me. It's only temporary while the construction is being done on our house, but everything has to be out and it's going all over the place. What a headache! Still, I"m having cable installed at the cottage where we're staying on Friday, so I *shouldn't* have any down time. Fingers crossed. |
pmv Wednesday 13th September 2006 05:31 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great, once again. I especially appreciate how difficult it is for Harry to give up control to his friends..and how hard it is to say goodbye. Good luck with RL and I will try to wait patiently for the next chapter, |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:38 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks, much! I so appreciate your patience. This move - although temporary - is sucking the life out of me. |
CrumpleHornedKiwi Wednesday 13th September 2006 02:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I love your author's note - things begin to snowball - while you left us in an ice cave/room!
You pulled me in again and left me hanging - you have a sadistic streak.
Seriously it's very good - I hope real life doesn't interfere too much so that we can get to the end. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:40 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh! Honestly, that A/N was just a fluke, but it's funny now that you point it out. There are 9 chapters left, and all of them are roughly written, so you WILL get to the end - never fear. |
Curren Wednesday 13th September 2006 02:18 | The Seventh Horcrux |
awesome, hadn't expected an update so soon, but so cool that you did manage. You keep us on the edge of our seat all the time |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:35 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks. I got this one out sooner than I expected - thanks, Sherry. Things are a bit hectic on the RL front, so it'll probably be another week before you see the next one. No cliffy in that one though, I promise. |
Krimzzen Wednesday 13th September 2006 00:06 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow! This is still one of my favorite stories and I feel so sad for Harry, but they will save Ginny and real life will be good. I can't wait to read more!
Thanks and write more very soon. |
Wednesday 13th September 2006 07:32 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, I"m trying - real life has been putting on the squeeze. It'll be about another week before an update. |