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Reviews For Had We But World Enough And Time by girlyswot

Friday 28th December 2007 07:46
Had We But World Enough And Time
Aww James is so sweet, although not sure the torturing bit but Snape did deserve some punishment for his comments. Again great chapter!
Monday 11th December 2006 15:39
Had We But World Enough And Time
I like the feeling of this story. Strage to describe... It flows along so easily, light-hearted really, and at the same time there's the bittersweet title that reminds us...

Very cute interaction between James and Lily. And it's a nice change to have her behave like she does here.
Monday 11th December 2006 16:44Had We But World Enough And Time (Author Response)
Thanks! I wanted to try and write a James/Lily story avoiding the usual caricatures and stereotypes but just have them as two 'normal' teenagers growing up a bit. And, despite the title, I'm just a fluffer at heart!
Wednesday 15th November 2006 20:14
Had We But World Enough And Time
Very nice. You capture the teen angst well.
Saturday 23rd September 2006 22:57
Had We But World Enough And Time
Very nice! I'm enjoying James trying to be charming and Lily trying to resist. Love this line: It was a three sentence conversation and I’ve told you every one of them. Hehehe, that little exchange was very cute.