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Reviews For Time's Winged Chariot by girlyswot

Friday 28th December 2007 08:54
Time's Winged Chariot
You have to give James credit, he's got guts to ask the question, especially considering how young they are. Marriage is not normally the first thing on a 17 year old boys mind!! I love the way James and lily are depicted here it's so obvious that they are so perfect for each other! This is exactly how I would imagine them.
Saturday 13th January 2007 10:28
Time's Winged Chariot
I'm so late posting this review but I did want to comment on Lily's perception that Petunia is the "pretty one". Even if that was true, how interesting to see how her bitterness has changed her into the pinched, hateful women we know today. Excellent observation.
Saturday 13th January 2007 10:35Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Thanks for taking the trouble to review - you're always so encouraging in everything you say about my work. And it's interesting how perceptions can be so different from the reality. But also how 'pretty little girls' don't always grow into beautiful women and vice versa.
Tuesday 9th January 2007 14:21
Time's Winged Chariot
C'mon, Lily, you know James is the one for you
Tuesday 9th January 2007 16:33Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Saturday 6th January 2007 15:16
Time's Winged Chariot
Loved it, as always. So good to read a story where things are different... Like Petunia used to be the pretty one, and Lily is estranged from her father, and Lily and James don't immediately get married out of Hogwarts (which always bugs because they're so young).

Thanks a lot for this story.
Saturday 6th January 2007 15:47Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
You're very welcome - and thank you for continuing to review. One of the nice things about writing James/Lily is that we really don't know a whole lot about them or their families so it's fun to imagine what might have been.

And, yes they are young, but I think they have to be quite young to make the dates work for Harry. But I quite agree, not the minute they leave school!
Tuesday 2nd January 2007 22:09
Time's Winged Chariot
That was incredibly touching. Sniff sniff. That's really all I can say right now. So bittersweet. Can't wait for more!
Wednesday 3rd January 2007 06:00Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing.