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Reviews For To Choose Better by Felix Felicis

Thursday 23rd April 2009 12:07
To Choose Better
Nice, light little interlude.
Thursday 23rd April 2009 19:28To Choose Better (Author Response)
Yes, sometimes I just need to throw in a little missing moment!
Friday 2nd January 2009 16:31
To Choose Better
This was really cute - not sure why I never read it before. It makes sense that thinking about girls might be the one thing to take a teen-aged boy's mind off his grief!
Tuesday 6th January 2009 18:05To Choose Better (Author Response)
Thanks for the review. It's always nice to see a new one left for an "old" story. I'm glad you liked it!
Wednesday 18th June 2008 10:00
To Choose Better
Ah, that was a good ending. "That doesn't have a bad sound to it at all." Haha! I really liked how he started out kind of wondering, then considering, and it just kind of kept progressing until he's jealous of her boyfriends and testing their names together! I don't think I've ever seen this done like this. It's nice for Harry to have something else to think about. Yay for missing moments!
Wednesday 18th June 2008 19:31To Choose Better (Author Response)
Thank you for all the reviews! You are indeed too kind. I wrote this because I just felt that Harry must have at least considered Ginny as more than a friend prior to going back to school. Plus, I always love missing moments!
Thursday 21st June 2007 15:37
To Choose Better
briliant, he finally has come to see the light. I really liked the story.
Thursday 18th January 2007 17:26
To Choose Better
That is so lovely - I feel all fluttery inside! Lovely, lovely descriptions, I really enjoyed how, amidst Harry's swirling thoughts, you gave us such a clear picture of him in his room, the stars, the streetlight glowing, other sounds in the house, Hedwig etc, etc.
What would it be like to hold her in his arms and smell the beautiful scent that was her?
Yes, I think this is a little pre-emptive (given Amortentia), but I think it's so cute how he's already made judgments about Ginny in his subconscious mind and can't see how much he is already attracted to her. Lovely little piece.
Saturday 20th January 2007 07:49To Choose Better (Author Response)
Thank you, your review is very kind and makes me feel all warm inside! I think Harry must have started thinking about Ginny long before he realized it in his concious mind. I imagine that at the end of this story, Harry forgets all of the thoughts he had and goes back to normal life at the Dursleys. Not until he goes back to Hogwarts does he think of her again.

Thanks for the review!
Wednesday 17th January 2007 17:59
To Choose Better
Very nicely done. I like Harry's musings over Ginny . And you end it in a way that it fits in with HBP (even though labeled pre-HPB ) where it seems Harry doesn't realize his feelings for Ginny till he and Ron stumble upon her and Dean in that hallway snogging scene (remember the 'newborn monster').
Saturday 20th January 2007 07:46To Choose Better (Author Response)
Thank you for the kind review. Yes, it was labeled as pre-HBP but I did write it to fit. It's probably more of a missing moment but even there I may have carried it a bit too far. I really wanted to show that he must have started thinking of her in a different way. We didn't see much of it in canon so I wrote a bit for myself!
Wednesday 17th January 2007 11:56
To Choose Better
I love the way Harry's mind works and you did him justice. He's so funny when he can't see what's in front of his face. Great Job! I really enjoyed this.
Wednesday 17th January 2007 16:30To Choose Better (Author Response)
I'm so happy you liked my character of Harry! He can be a bit tricky sometimes but there are parts of him that are quite obvious. For example, being thick about girls! He is fun to work with.

Thanks for the review!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 19:31
To Choose Better
awww! that was sooo good! i
Wednesday 17th January 2007 16:19To Choose Better (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 10:09
To Choose Better
Lovely work! I would have loved for that to be in the book; it would have been such a nice thought process but where would she have put it?
Lovely work! "She had always had a crush on Harry and that was the way it was supposed to be. " That bit was very funny; selfish but funny! And really it's not surprising he thoguht of that.

"Harry and Ginny, he thought, that doesn’t have a bad sound to it at all." Nope! No it sounds brilliant! lol

Lovely work!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 19:21To Choose Better (Author Response)
I love reading stories about Harry's thoughts on Ginny before he really realizes he likes her. It can be so very entertaining! That's why I decided I just had to write my own! I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks for the review!
Tuesday 16th January 2007 06:29
To Choose Better
Harry and Ginny, he thought, that doesn’t have a bad sound to it at all.

True. However, I doubt he reached that conclusion as early as that. To be a know-it-all: I could see him with some vague thoughts on Ginny at this point, but a realisation like this one, I'd expect after smelling Amortententia.
Sorry, it's your story, of course, and a well written one.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 19:20To Choose Better (Author Response)
Yeah, I think I could agree with you on that one. Harry does seem to like the idea of her by the end of this story. I tried to soften that a little, though, by making it seem as if he buried that thought under his grief and it got lost until he went back to Hogwarts.

Thanks for the review.
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 16th January 2007 06:05
To Choose Better
Oh, I like it. The end was very well put- "Harry and Ginny, he thought, that doesn’t have a bad sound to it at all.
With that he drifted off to sleep, leaving thoughts of Ginny for another time. This summer he was going to have enough on his mind."
Want to bet he thinks of her every night.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 19:17To Choose Better (Author Response)
I bet he does think of her every night! Of course he wouldn't have any idea why he's thinking of her so much because he tends to be rather thick, nevertheless, visions of red hair certainly filled his head and helped him deal with his grief.

Thank you for reviewing!
Monday 15th January 2007 23:27
To Choose Better
That was very good. It would seem odd if Harry hadn't had some thoughts of her before HPB and I think you captured his character well. I agree with you about missing moments - and there are still so many to tap. Ginny's POV during HBP for example.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 19:15To Choose Better (Author Response)
I'm so happy you think I caught his character here. I really wanted to show Harry starting to consider Ginny in a different light because we don't get much of that in canon.

I love reading HBP from Ginny's point of view! Those have to be some of my absolute favorites. It's nice that there are still so many out there waiting to turn into little one-shots for people like you and me! Thanks for the review!
Monday 15th January 2007 22:26
To Choose Better
That was wonderful! I loved it. You caught the perfect tone for this piece. An almost wistfullness. So true to Harry. And I loved the way you itemized the facets of Ginny and then showed Harry's reaction to them.

Favorite lines:
He couldn’t bring himself to add the word ‘me’ at the end of that thought.
He smiled wryly at the thought and made a mental note to give his friend a punch the next time he saw him.
A small part of his brain wished it could go on like that, but he knew she deserved her own happiness. If it didn’t depend on him then he would just have to accept that.

You notice I'm quoting most of this piece, don't you?

Thank you for sharing this with us. You're fantastic.

Tuesday 16th January 2007 19:13To Choose Better (Author Response)
You know what one of the best feelings in the world is? For me, it's when you check your email and find a kind and generous review like this and then you realize that it's from one of your favorite authors! Yay!

Thank you so much for taking the time to review!