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Reviews For Girl I Love by Tarkas

Wednesday 14th May 2008 17:15
Girl I Love
haha nice story gil and bil... *sighs* cute nicknames
Friday 11th January 2008 22:32
Girl I Love
aww ww ww!!! I loved this story! soo oo cute! I loved the nicknames and the whole story!
Monday 25th June 2007 13:57
Girl I Love
Even better than the original! Bravo, bravo!
Saturday 15th July 2006 19:19
Girl I Love
Friday 8th April 2005 12:56
Girl I Love


I think that a great story. You should really write some more.  can't wait to read more!


Sunday 27th February 2005 23:40
Girl I Love

darling.  and I liked this description quite a lot.

smile as though they thought that that was a great idea, and where was the tape?

A description worthy of Douglas Adams.  And, no, that's not shameless flattery.  Angst is fun and has it's place, but it's refreshing and calming to read fluff.  Pet the plot bunny that bit you and hope it sees fit to do so again.

Tuesday 7th December 2004 11:23
Girl I Love
Good fun, especially the family reactions...
Thursday 1st July 2004 17:53
Girl I Love
All right, that's TWICE now you've made me puddle with goo. I just love your writing style, Tarkas--the humour, the frustration, and the crystal-clear view of a boy in love who's not always certain how to show it. (Though Harry does a marvellous job in this!)

Lovely. Simply lovely.