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Reviews For Counting to Five Thousand by Rhetor

Monday 7th April 2008 21:06
Counting to Five Thousand
nice chapter!
It totally doesnt fit the normal plot lines... harry living and he and ginny living to a ripe old age...
it was a good explaination of ginny's life too!!!
Sunday 18th November 2007 10:58
Counting to Five Thousand
interesting... Never really read any fanfics where harry died... I was thinking that Ned might be Harry in disguise or something.... or that somehow he went into emily's body... lol just my thoughts

Wednesday 27th June 2007 17:35
Counting to Five Thousand
A unique story well executed, and by that I mean it is written really really well. The issues you challenged - especialy here in this chapter - are not easy ones to get to grips with, but you seemed to handle them quite easily.

I like the idea of a magical person finally understanding the difference they could make in the wider world through simply waving their wand here and there. The danger here of course, is simply delving into wish fulfillment and having some enlightened witch/wizard removing worldwide poverty, starvation, etc. You went nowhere near that of course. I liked Ginny's description of her choices and actions as atonement.

Of course, your stance on 'muggle science' rankled just a teeny bit. Remember the biggest killer in human history (apart from man himself) was eradicated through science. Smallpox. AIDS is on its way to surpassing it (if it hasn't done so already!), but me being an eternal optimist, I think we'll get rid of it eventually. Through science. Then again, who suffers most from AIDS? Those in absolute poverty. Life can suck - something you've quite neatly pointed out here.

Well done!
Wednesday 27th June 2007 19:47Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thank you very much for that praise. Hmmm, after praising me for not being a pollyanna, I wonder how you'll react to the Epilogue...

I'm actually a big believer in "Muggle science," and I agree with you wholeheartedly. My critique was more about how science gets co-opted by those with power to serve their own ends. I'd love to see life extension come into reality, but I fear that it would be available only to the privileged few. (Anyway, what I really needed was a device through which Ginny could be both a self-sacrificing saint and righteously angry all at the same time.)

Thanks again!

Tuesday 13th February 2007 09:47
Counting to Five Thousand
Very well written but what a nasty thing to do to Ginny
Very moving way to make your point
Tuesday 13th February 2007 09:58Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Yeah, sorry to be so mean to Ginny; believe me, I felt it. (By the time I was done with this chapter, I think I was making at least three points, probably more .) Thanks for the review!
Saturday 10th February 2007 12:55
Counting to Five Thousand
A powerful and emotional chapter about a most original story about Ginny after Harry's and Voldemort's end. You kept me spellbound throughout, several times I found myself holding my breath without realizing the tension I was feeling.
Saturday 10th February 2007 19:18Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thanks again.
Saturday 10th February 2007 12:55
Counting to Five Thousand
A powerful and emotional chapter about a most original story about Ginny after Harry's and Voldemort's end. You kept me spellbound throughout, several times I found myself holding my breath without realizing the tension I was feeling.
Saturday 10th February 2007 19:17Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Wow! I'm glad it had that effect. I love reading stories like that; I didn't know I'd written one! Thanks!
Thursday 8th February 2007 16:31
Counting to Five Thousand
very tauching, yes i could see this happening but i don't want to. IF harry die's before he kills Voldemort Ginny will persanally kill hem i almost hope that happens FOR THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGERES THAN AN ENAMY that has nothing to loose? yeah it would be sad but not many people would see it coming. The thought of the proffecy being false. thats intresting could happen. that would be neat.
Thursday 8th February 2007 19:36Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked the story. I'm sure that JKR won't have the end of the war come out the same way I did; no worries.
Thursday 8th February 2007 02:18
Counting to Five Thousand
*sniff* It really shouldn't end like this, and I sure as *!* hope it won't. Great story, and some quite important messages in it.

Thursday 8th February 2007 11:42Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thank you for saying so. As you saw, it didn't quite end lke this...
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 7th February 2007 11:47
Counting to Five Thousand
You are telling a powerful tale with wonderful use of language. I will certainly read your Epilogue.
Wednesday 7th February 2007 12:19Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thanks again! The Epilogue is posted!
Wednesday 7th February 2007 10:36
Counting to Five Thousand
dunno what to write here, to be honest. Want to leave a review, but i'm a bit at a loss for words. It's so sad, maybe too sad. I mean, a bit forced to be as sad as possible, because the way voldemort was defeated really doesn't feel right to me...
Wednesday 7th February 2007 12:19Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Hi! I'm honored that my story moved you so much. Thank you for telling me. (If you're too sad, go find some St Margarets or some Laura Laurent to read; that'll cheer you up!)

I think you're right about the defeat of Voldemort; JKR wouldn't cop out that way. But I needed Ginny to be horrified at the uselessness and the waste of the intervening year, so I needed LV's final defeat to be easier than expected.
Wednesday 7th February 2007 10:15
Counting to Five Thousand
Such a bleak future. I take it you might be leery of some medical advances?

The implacation of Ned's attitude is that Voldemort was long dead and nothing had changed in the Wizarding world. That too is a bleak forecast. The details of this chapter are as good as the previous one. Your paint a literary picture that is SO real. I could smell the decay; feel the atmosphere of despair, and sigh at Ginny's resigned determination to atone, whether she really needed to or not. Well done.

Gosh I hope the final chapter is a bit more up beat. You did say they were all different.
Wednesday 7th February 2007 12:15Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thank you! As to the medical advances: I needed a plausible reason for the urgency of Ginevra's mission to the Muggles. While the current state of poverty of some parts of England might be sufficient, I felt that I had to go "over the top" to convince the reader. And yes, I do believe that sadly, advances in technology and science are used to benefit the rich much more often than anybody else.

I am gratified that you found the tactial and sensory details so realistic; that was really important to me, to give the reader a sense of being there.

The next chapter is posted; I think you could reasonably call it "more upbeat," but that might be a bit misleading...
Wednesday 7th February 2007 09:37
Counting to Five Thousand
This is absolutely captivating. I couldn't leave my computer if I'd wanted to. Ginny's story is amazing; the fact that she feels she needs to atone for 5,280 deaths is an alarming idea, but if that's how she thinks she can forgive herself only by saving that many, then I have to support her decision. I'm glad that Ned is going to let her continue; she's doing more good by saving people with her choice of what is right over what is easy and hauling her off to prison would only do more harm.

I'm looking forwrd to the third and final chapter every much. Please post it soon.
Wednesday 7th February 2007 12:11Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Your wish is my command; the Epilogue is posted.

I'm glad that the story moved you and held your attention. Thank you very much for your kind words.
Tuesday 6th February 2007 22:55
Counting to Five Thousand
All I've got to say is... wow.
Tuesday 6th February 2007 23:13Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thank you. I hope that means you liked it.
Wolf's Scream
Tuesday 6th February 2007 22:02
Counting to Five Thousand
Hmm... that was certainly sobering. Well-written, certainly, but definitely sobering.
Tuesday 6th February 2007 22:32Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thanks. Perhaps the Epilogue will redeem this chapter?
Neli P
Tuesday 6th February 2007 21:27
Counting to Five Thousand
Sorry about that, I don't know what happened with the last review. Here it is again with the "smileys" and everything:

Well,,, it is the first time that Ginny Weasley is refered to as a "ascetic beauty of a bare branch in winter."

Again, what an awesome chapter with loads of information and intriguing theories (particularly the one about Neville)! However, I hope that this is again one of "those (highly depressing ) ideas you have to get rid of by writing them down" ?
Tuesday 6th February 2007 21:30Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thanks. I think you need have no fear that JKR will write a Year Seven with events even remotely like this; she has a very different agenda from mine (thank goodness!). As for the "highly depressing" part of it, I fear that angst is what I do best...
Neli P
Tuesday 6th February 2007 21:19
Counting to Five Thousand
Well ... it is the first time that Ginny Weasley is refered to as a \"ascetic beauty of a bare branch in winter\"

Again, what an awesome chapter with lots of informations and intriguing theories (particularly the one about Neville)! However, I hope that this is again \"one of those (depressing ) ideas you have to get rid of by writing them down\" ? .
Tuesday 6th February 2007 21:29Counting to Five Thousand (Author Response)
Thanks; I'll respond to the version above. ~Ken