Zamin.S Sunday 11th April 2010 09:30 | Summer Story |
I Am New To This Website. And I Can Surely Say That You're Story Was The First To Catch My Attention. I Have Just Finished Reading The First Chapter. My Review Is As Follows:
-First, I Can Say That The Follow Up Of The DeathlyHallows Is Exciting; Evenmore So, In The Style/Structure You Have Chosen.
-The Characterization Of Dudley Is Also Something That I Find Interesting In Many Aspects. Perhaps, This Sort Of Character Development Shall Show More In The Story Ahead.
-The Only Thing That Confuses Me Is That Professor Dumbledore Is Alive, Yet He Was Delcared Dead In The Last Book [DeathlyHallows]. Please Explain This, I May Be Missing Some Sort Of Detail.
--To Conclude, I Can Assure You That I Will Continue Reading On; Hopefully This Has Shown You My Verdict To The First Chapter. |
Sunday 11th April 2010 22:12 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
Welcome to PhoenixSong! I'm glad you've decided to become a part of this great site.
Here's some background about this story. First of all, it's the third in a series I started back in 2003 before Half-Blood Prince came out. At the time, we didn't know Dumbledore was going to die, so he is very much alive is the first two stories plus a good portion of this one. However, as each new book was published, I added new canon to the story so that it wouldn't seem too out of date. I hope this helps your confusion.
I'm so glad you like how I'm handling Dudley. You'll see much more of him in this story than you ever would in canon because he has some tough decisions to make which show just how mature he's becoming.
Finally, I look forward to your next reviews. It's nice to get to know new reviewers. |
TangoCharlie Wednesday 24th September 2008 21:25 | Summer Story |
Yay!! I'm finally reading Summer Story - Woohoo!!! I must say the first chapter does not disappoint...
I guess the big news in this chapter is Dudley. My first reaction to this is that he's not really behaving all that out of character. Yes, it's a different side to him than we've seen before, but you've presented a logical progression to that point - seeing Harry wounded from battle has shown him to Dudley in a different light. Getting in a fight is something Dudley would be responsive to, and it makes sense to me that this is what starts to break down the barrier between the two,.
I also think that at some stage Dudley is bound to SOME sort of growing up and maturing, and would treat Harry differently as a result. (Plus, as we've now seen in DH, Dudley eventually does have some degree of enlightenment where Harry is concerned.)
Looking forward to reading on... |
Wednesday 24th September 2008 22:10 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
Somewhere in either one of her interviews or an on-line chat, JKR said that Harry and Dudley eventually became friendly enough to maintain a Christmas Card friendship. My goal in this story is to show some of the process Dudley goes through to eventually attain that status with Harry. I'm very glad you approve of the "new" Dudley.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. |
twinsmom Thursday 24th July 2008 13:43 | Summer Story |
I just had to say that it is cool that even tho you took it further for your stories plot, it is cool that you had a bit of a change in Dudley's attitude to Harry just like Jo proposed in DH. Great job and forethought!
Christy |
Thursday 24th July 2008 20:56 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I think you'll like Dudley in this fic much more than you ever did in canon. He has a key role throughout Summer Story, especially in later chapters which are still in the writing stages. I'm of the opinion that Dudley is maturing and has become much more open-minded than his parents and is willing to set aside the prejudices he grew up with. Keep reading... I think you'll really like where this story is going.
Thanks for reviewing,
Arnel |
Silver Phoenix Monday 9th June 2008 21:33 | Summer Story |
I realize that Dudley seems a bit out of character here, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the two years he has had to ponder what the Dementors made him see and decide for himself whether his parents' approach to Harry is the best way to deal with him.
I'm assuming that this story was begun prior to the release of DH, and considering the change in Dudley we see there, I'd say your interpretation of his characters shows some excellent foresight!
I thought I would check out some of your work and I wasn't disappointed! I realize now that there are two prequels to this so I might go back and read those before continuing. Nice work here though!
SP |
Monday 9th June 2008 23:56 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I published the first chapter of this story a year ago before DH came out. Thanks for the compliment about Dudley. I had wanted to explore the possibility that Dudley had indeed had a slight change-of-heart toward Harry. The reformed Dudley shows up in several chapters throughout this story, so if you like how I've had his character mature, I think you'll be pleased with his actions.
Please do read You're Still You and New Year, New Hope before trying to finish this story. They will help you get a sense of what's happened to Harry prior to the start of Chapter one.
Thanks for reviewing. I'm glad you like the story.
Acacia7 Tuesday 27th May 2008 18:09 | Summer Story |
I have just finished reading New Year, New Hope, and I am glad that you are writing this sequel.
I have enjoyed New Year, New Hope so much, and I am looking forward to reading Summer Story.
Thanks so much. |
Wednesday 28th May 2008 01:13 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you liked New Year, New Hope and I hope you'll like Summer Story just as much. So far I have a total of thirty chapters either completed, partially written or planned (and I've only posted ten of them so far), so there is plenty of story left for you to follow. I look forward to more of your reviews. |
bookish327 Saturday 13th October 2007 17:32 | Summer Story |
Go, Ron! I loved how brave and confident he was when he stood up to Mr. Dursley. I don't think he's ever acted like that before at all when he's come into contact with him. Ron is really becoming a man. Harry is so lucky to have him for a friend.
You and JKR seemed to be thinking alike about how Dudley has changed since the Dementor attack. I'm not saying he's a candidate for sainthood, but he definitely seems more interested in Harry as a person now, rather than just as someone to bully.
A great first chapter. |
Monday 15th October 2007 07:06 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
We didn’t see it in New Year, New Hope (NYNH), but Ron suffered just as much as Harry and Ginny when they were hurt. He cares very deeply about his sister and his best friend and he made the decision during his many hours of vigil at their bedsides that he would take whatever opportunities he could to make their lives easier. He seized one such opportunity here with Mr Dursley, defending Harry and trying to make Uncle Vernon understand just what Harry had been through at the end of term.
The funny thing about Dudley in this story is that I decided he would be nicer to Harry in this fic two months before DH came out as I was writing the last chapter and Epilogue of NYNH. I’m glad you like this side of him because I think Dudley is beginning to think for himself rather than blindly parrot his parents’ closed-minded opinions.
Enjoy the rest of the story. Thanks for reviewing.
notpobhonestly Monday 6th August 2007 14:40 | Summer Story |
liking your other work so far, how long till this one gets a new chapter or 5
nph |
Monday 6th August 2007 15:07 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
Thanks for you comment. Getting to chapter five all depends on how fast my betas can get the chapters back to me. Hopefully chapter two will be up soon. |
phantom Thursday 2nd August 2007 14:13 | Summer Story |
Really good, I like the way you portrayed Dudley. |
Thursday 2nd August 2007 21:36 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I was so excited when I discovered that JK Rowling was having Dudley mature a little, too because of the Dementors. You'll see more of Dudley later in chapters three and five. Thanks for your comment. |
jourdan10169 Thursday 26th July 2007 14:23 | Summer Story |
so far, i've liked it, Dudley is turning out to be quite interesting, before long, you'll have him worshiping Harry, lol, jusy one question, how often do you think you'll be updating? |
Thursday 26th July 2007 15:51 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I'm glad you like the story so far. I'm trying hard not to make Dudley a Harry worshiper. That's not canon and even with the new developments in DH, I can never see Dudley and Harry truly becoming friends like he is with Ron and Hermione. Dudley and Harry may eventually develop a mutual respect for each other, but they'll never be bosom buddies.
As for updates, I'm hoping to update twice a month. I'm working on chapter six at the moment and posting at regular intervals will rest on the real lives of my pre-beta and beta. I hope this answers your question.
Thanks for your thoughts. |
hahaheeheehaha Thursday 26th July 2007 13:00 | Summer Story |
i liked it. dudley wasnt too out of character after reading deathly hallows. please write more when you have time. thanks for writing it! |
Thursday 26th July 2007 13:16 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
When I read the part about Dudley in Deathly Hallows I was jumping up and down because my hopes for this character were justified in that chapter. Never fear, I'm working on chapter six right now, so there's a lot more to this story than just this one chapter.
I'm really glad you like the story so far. Thanks for reviewing. |
J.R. Lewis Wednesday 25th July 2007 06:22 | Summer Story |
Good start. I like the new Dudley so far. |
Wednesday 25th July 2007 12:25 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I'm really glad you like him, too. I cheered when I read the first chapter of DH and discovered that my characterization of him wasn't that far off new canon! Thanks for your comment. |
DSDragon Friday 20th July 2007 15:50 | Summer Story |
I've followed the stories from the beginning, and loved them so far. Keep this one going, and I'll keep reading! |
Friday 20th July 2007 23:10 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you're continuing to read my stories and I'm definitely going to finish this one. I've written about a third of it and plan to make regular updates after everyone has digested Deathly Hallows. I look forward to more of your reviews. |
Ishi Friday 20th July 2007 15:39 | Summer Story |
I personally love the new Dudley. He's still enough in character that it's not odd that his personality has changed slightly. Please keep writing! |
Friday 20th July 2007 23:03 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I have five chapters completed and am working on the sixth, so I'm definitely going to finish this story. I'm glad you like the new Dudley and need to thank GhostWriter for all his "Dudley channeling" because he's been a big help in keeping Dudley believeable. Thanks for reviewing. |
wandwavingwannabe Friday 20th July 2007 10:59 | Summer Story |
It came as a surprise on Dudley's actions. I understand how you brought it about in your note.
It's great that Ron is of age and actually able to threaten Vernon like that.
Very good 1st chapter and I look forward to reading the rest of the story as it is posted.
WandWavingWannabe |
Friday 20th July 2007 12:27 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you like the new story! Dudley's out of character actions seem to be going over quite well once people read that author's note. I'm really glad I thought to put the explanation in and thank Aggiebell for inspiring me through one of the comments she made during the beta process.
Of-age Ron is certainly good for a lot of things; you'll see him cropping up in different chapters and rubbing it in that he is four months older than Harry and can do and say things that an underage wizard can't. Ron is fun to write when he's taken on this attitude!
Thanks for reviewing. I look forward to what you'll have to say about Chapter 2. |
Grandma Kate Friday 20th July 2007 05:44 | Summer Story |
Uncle Vernon will never give Harry a break but your Dudley is plausible.
Thanks for something to read before 12:01. |
Friday 20th July 2007 06:30 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
How right you are! Vernon Dursley is so prejudiced against magic in general and Harry specifically that he could never give his nephew the benefit of a doubt, much less try to understand him. Dudley, however, is still forming his own opinions of the world and between the Dementor attack and the influences upon him at Smeltings he just might be more willing to accept the magical world better than his parents.
I'm glad I have given you something to help the time go by! Thanks for reviewing. |
The Boss Friday 20th July 2007 03:45 | Summer Story |
What a wonderful sequel to New Year, New Hope. I love it!
I never would have imagined that Dudley would ever stand up for Harry like that but since you have shown this side of Dudley I think that anything is possible.
Wonderful story that is coming along here. I also like how Dudley has offered to help harry with his recovery.
Keep up the good work with your stories as it really shows your talent, and enjoy reading Deathly Hallows
The Boss |
Friday 20th July 2007 06:21 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you like my story. I've always wondered what Dudley saw during his encounter with the Dementors and decided that whatever it was could possible mature him or at least make him more accepting of Harry's world. That includes being somewhat nice to him. I also like the concept of Dudley realizing that he owes Harry something and this just might be how he thinks he can repay Harry without too much hassel.
Have fun reading Book 7. Chapter 2 is done, but will not be posted until after we all have had a chance to read the new book. Thank you for your kind words. |
myketje Friday 20th July 2007 01:16 | Summer Story |
Loved it!! I really want to know what it was what Dudley saw when he was attacked. And what changed him :d
Kiss Kiss
mee |
Friday 20th July 2007 06:01 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
Me, too! Whatever it was certainly has made him change his tune! I'm glad you liked this first chapter. There are many more chapters to come. Thank you for your review. |
Kamalia Thursday 19th July 2007 22:44 | Summer Story |
Very nice! I'll have to reread New Year, New Hope to get my bearings and pick up the swing of the story! Of course, that will have to wait until after I've digested DH! I can't wait to see how the rest of this will turn out. Happy reading! |
Thursday 19th July 2007 23:57 | Summer Story (Author Response) |
If you're set on re-reading NYNH, the last six chapters will be the best to remind you of where that story ends and this one begins. I'm glad you like this first chapter and think you'll like the rest of the story as well. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate your kind words.
Arnel |