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Reviews For A Forgotten Love by Kari Lynn

Saturday 23rd April 2005 07:16
A Forgotten Love
Heh. This is getting better and better. That Hermione wouldn't recognize the two is funny -- and realistic. I didn't recognize my old school friends at my 10 year high school reunion. Hermione is smart, but can be dense sometimes. Curious about Harry/Ginny, but we'll see. And that Ron can't see the scar? Fun.

Good work.
Saturday 30th April 2005 14:36A Forgotten Love (Author Response)
Heh. This is getting better and better. That Hermione wouldn't recognize the two is funny -- and realistic. I didn't recognize my old school friends at my 10 year high school reunion. Hermione is smart, but can be dense sometimes. Curious about Harry/Ginny, but we'll see. And that Ron can't see the scar? Fun.

Good work.

Thank you immensly for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. Harry and Ron have changed quite a bit lately, perhaps sometime we'll see just how much...

Kari Lynn

Friday 18th March 2005 14:47
A Forgotten Love
I really love this story.  I have the feeling you're not going to update it anymore? Anyway, it's a great concept and you've done a good job with it!
Saturday 30th April 2005 14:38A Forgotten Love (Author Response)
I really love this story.  I have the feeling you're not going to update it anymore? Anyway, it's a great concept and you've done a good job with it!

Thanks! No, I'm continuing, I'm just also a bit preoccupied with the Shades of Grey Trilogy, and the editing process of that. I also have five or so other fics brewing under the surface, and writing on all of them regularely is difficut. Thank you!

Kari Lynn

Wednesday 16th March 2005 23:26
A Forgotten Love
Great chapter!  Can't wait for the next one.
Saturday 30th April 2005 14:40A Forgotten Love (Author Response)
Great chapter!  Can't wait for the next one.

Thanks! I just keep getting more inspiration, it probably won't take so long between chapters anymore. However, Annika (my lovely BETA) is now in Mexico until June, so I'm afraid there won't be anything until then. Sorry!

Kari Lynn