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Reviews For I Saw My Lady Weep by Worldmaker

Thursday 23rd April 2009 15:53
I Saw My Lady Weep
Niice Gin lmao! I just found this story, and I have to say I really like it so far ^_^
Can't wait to read more
Wednesday 9th July 2008 21:56
I Saw My Lady Weep
this sounds interesting! i cant wait to read the rest!!!
Wednesday 25th June 2008 21:36
I Saw My Lady Weep
This is great reading so far ... I'm looking forward to enjoying your story. Do you mind if I question a couple of bits in this chapter?

I know that what I did to her was vile... I just hope she can forgive me for it.

and likewise ...

if you hurt my darling girl one more time like you did this summer, I will crucify you

What did he do to her that was vile? Is this referring to their separation during the Horcrux hunt? Or to Harry going to his death? Why would Arthur be so petty at a time of war? I thought it was clear that Ginny understood and even admired Harry because of his choice to go after Voldemort - yes she may have been sad and upset, but hurt to the point of unforgiveness? It seems out of character. I'll be very interested to see how the story develops and I'd be keen to hear your take on it.

I do like the tender touch followed by the slap - great finish to the chapter.
Thursday 29th May 2008 06:35
I Saw My Lady Weep
hahaha! wait... I'm going to the next chapter...
Monday 19th May 2008 12:17
I Saw My Lady Weep
Oooh, I love it! That slap was justs too joltingly-perfect.
Saturday 26th April 2008 20:40
I Saw My Lady Weep
oh, well done. absolutely lovely fanfic (best one I've read to this point). Can't wait for the next chapter.
Baby Boomer
Tuesday 15th April 2008 03:18
I Saw My Lady Weep
Loved your story, please write the next chapter soon!
Wednesday 26th March 2008 09:04
I Saw My Lady Weep
When I first read this I had mixed feelings about it and did not review, but I came back and read it again, so I must like it enough to read the whole story.

I loved the part where Harry woke up and his discovery of his friends guarding him, Ron, and Hermione. It's the kind of thing I can see him not liking, but it's also the kind of thing that would really happen to Harry.

I personally have thought many times about where those who fell in the battle of Hogwarts would be buried, and my thought is that due to many of them having Muggle backgrounds, Hogwarts would not be the best place since their families could not visit them there. But although it's not the way I would have written it, I don't have any real problem with it ... I mean my own government does things every day that I do not always think are best.

I loved Harry's talk with Arthur - it was so touching and seemed so right.

I guess my mixed feelings come mostly from Harry's saying that what he did to Ginny was "vile" - it seems such an extreme word that it stopped me with a jolt when I read this both times. I never got the impression that she considered his actions "vile" although she may not have been real happy with them. I guess it is just a word I would reserve for actions far worse than anything Harry did. And then her obvious coldness and the slap kind of startled me. I could understand some level of anger or resentment being present, but it seemed stronger than indicated.

Obviously this is your interpretation, and not mine, and you have piqued my interest even if I am not sure I like everything. I definitely like getting a peek at "what happened next". I look forward to continuing to read this and see where it goes.
Sunday 23rd March 2008 16:08
I Saw My Lady Weep
Oh dear

What is with women, love and slapping?

How very astute of you to point out the many tales of our hero - Dursleys right through loyal friends!
Saturday 22nd March 2008 21:52
I Saw My Lady Weep
The end of this chapter has certainly got my attention and I want more!
Saturday 8th March 2008 11:42
I Saw My Lady Weep
I loved your overall story and your writing style is excellent.
But I cannot accept Ginny SLAPPING Harry. I simply refuse to believe it. SHe has a right to get angry at him, shout at him, storm at him perhaps even hex him. But not slap him and that too in front of everyone. Its too humiliating and whatever Harry did, he definitely did not deserve to be slapped.

Well, thats just my point of view. But still, I would like to read the ending.
Thursday 6th March 2008 01:21
I Saw My Lady Weep
Poor Harry. Quite a different awakening than he expected. Surprised to find his friends guarding him, Ron and Hermione the way he did. Arthur was great to him though. Now he has to face Ginny. Not quite the welcome he had hoped for. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Wednesday 5th March 2008 11:12
I Saw My Lady Weep
Wow. Brilliant. I've been absolutely dying for a good 'immediate aftermath' fic, and this is just right. Woohoo! Can't wait for more! *Adds to email updates list*
Tuesday 4th March 2008 15:23
I Saw My Lady Weep
A bit too overblown for my tastes. Out of character in places - I don't think you have a great understanding of the H/G dynamic.
Tuesday 4th March 2008 16:24I Saw My Lady Weep (Author Response)
A bit too overblown for my tastes. Out of character in places - I don't think you have a great understanding of the H/G dynamic.

That's fine. As Niven once said, everyone is entitled to be utterly mistaken about something. This just happens to be your something.

Thanks for your review.
Tuesday 4th March 2008 08:45
I Saw My Lady Weep
Then she slapped him.

Well he can't say he didn't have it coming to him.

Very good start I can't wait to see where you take us. I hope Ginny doesn't make him pay for too long. Well done.